Abteilung für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
Number of items at this level: 435. 2021
Scheuer, Raphael
Wirbelsäule und Sport.
JATROS, Orthopädie, Traumatologie & Rheumatologie.
pp. 28-30.
ISSN 1997-8308
![jatros-2020-02.pdf [thumbnail of jatros-2020-02.pdf]](https://eprints.vinzenzgruppe.at/9037/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/jatros-2020-02.pdf)  Preview
Scheuer, Raphael
Ultraschallgezielte Infiltrationen.
20. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, 26.01.2019, Technisches Museum Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Scheuer, Raphael
Ultraschallgezielte Schmerztherapie.
7. Fortbildungsseminar der ÖGOuT - Block 7, 22.-23. Februar 2019, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, Michael and Scheuer, Raphael
Spinale Stenose - OP or not OP?
Konservative Orthopädie im Fokus, 14.-16. Juli 2017, Pörtschach. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Schenk, S
Das sagittale Profil.
Die wachsende Wirbelsäule.
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 38-49.
Ogon, Michael
17. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, 30.01.2016, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, Michael
Wirbelsäule – Deformitäten.
Vorlesung Orthopädie, 30.05.2016, Sigmund Freud Universität Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, Michael
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis.
EuroSpine EducationWeek, Module 2: Degenerative Disesases of the Spine., 15.-17.06.2016, Strasbourg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, M
Indikationen für Hybridverfahren und der LWS.
Vivantes: 8. Berliner Wirbelsäulenkongress. Degenerative und entzündliche Erkrankungen an HWS, BWS and LWS – wann operieren, wann konservativ., Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, M, Panzenböck, L, Schenk, S, Tuschel, A and Becker, P
Vorkommen und Therapiestrategien bei der lumbalen Anschlussinstabilität.
Vivantes: 8. Berliner Wirbelsäulenkongress. Degenerative und entzündliche Erkrankungen an HWS, BWS and LWS – wann operieren, wann konservativ., Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Machacek, P and Rustler, T
Effective Non-Surgical Interventions for Radicular Pain.
EuroSpine EducationWeek, Module 2: Degenerative Disesases of the Spine., Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, M
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis.
EuroSpine EducationWeek, Module 2: Degenerative Disesases of the Spine., Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Ogon, M
Bewegungs- und Stützapparat.
Gesundheitstag in Kitzbühel. MSGT Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Tirol. KitzKongress, Kitzbühel. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Eder, C, Trifinopoulos, J, Schildböck, S, Koppensteiner, N, Zolles, J, Falkner, E and Ogon, M
Influence of non-opoid analgetics on healthy nucleus pulposus cells.
. ISASS14, Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Advanvement of Spine Surgery, 30.04.-02.05.2014, Miami, USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Eder, C, Schenk, S, Trifinopoulos, J, Schildboeck, S, Kienzl, M and Ogon, M
Does intrawound application of Vancomycin influenze bone regeneration in spinal fusion?
Best Paper Session. Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society NASS 2014, 12.-15.11.2014, San Francisco, CA, USA,. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Eder, C, Pinsger, A, Schildboeck, S, Falkner, E, Becker, P and Ogon, M
Influence of intradiscal medication on nucleus pulposus cells.
Spine J..
Rath, S and Bauer, S
Behandlung der Skoliose am Beispiel des OSS.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neurochirurgische Krankenpflege, Oktober 2011, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Schenk, S
Dancer´s (Winter).
p. 39.
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M
Chirurgische Lösungen bei älteren Wirbelsäulenpatienten.
51. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Juni 2010, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Becker, P, Meissner, J and Tuschel, A
Results of Prodisc L from the Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna Speising.
Hospital Dr. Srour, Juli 2010, Colmar. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M
Ergebnisse nach lumbalen Pedikelschraubenfusionen bei Patienten über 70a.
5 Jahrestagung der deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Dezember 2010, Bremen. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Schenk, S and Chavanne, A
Bezirksärztefortbildung 7. Bezirk, November 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Schenk, S
Spinale Stenose.
Akademie Speisintg, September 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M
Ergebnisse nach lumbalen Pedikelschraubenfusionen bei Patienten über 70a.
5. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Dezember 2010, Bremen. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M
Life Quality after instrumented lumbar fusion in the elderly.
Eurospine 2010, September 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Tuschel, A
Fusion or TDR?
Euro Spine, September 2010, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Meissner, J and Becker, S
Life course- Approach to the lumbar disc.
Live Cervical and Lumbar Nucleoplasty Training Course, August 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
10. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Jänner 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Meissner, M
Indication for cervical disc arthroplasty.
AOSpine Course - Advances in anterior spine surgery and approaches, September 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Adjacent disc degeneration.
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Juni 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz CK, IV
Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study.
Eusrospine 2009, Oktober 2009, Warschau/Polen. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Meissner, J and Becker, S
Nucleoplasty - The Lumbar Approach.
Live Cervical and Lumbar Nucleoplasty Course, März 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz, CK
Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study.
Mayfield Neuroscience Symposium 2009, Mai 2009, Cincinnati, OH/USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Tuschel, A and Becker, P
Monatssitzung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Oktober 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Becker, P, Becker, S, Chavanne, A and Bretschneider, W
Indications and technique of lumbar spine arthroplasty.
AOSpine Course - Advances in anterior spine surgery and approaches, September 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz, CK
Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study.
AO Global Spine Congress, Juni 2009, San Francisco/CA, USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A and Becker, P
Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2009, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Tuschel, A
Interspinöse Spacer - Pro-contra.
Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Dezember 2009, München. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz, CK
Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study.
Annual Meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society , September 2009, St. Antonio/Texas. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Organisation / Faculty.
Synthes Vertebroplastiekurs, April, Mai, September 2008, Wien. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Lauenroth, A, Pudszuhn, A, Bloching, M, Esperer, H-D, Hottenrott, K, Becker, S and Schwesig, R
Dreidimensionale Trainingstherapie bei Neuropathia vestibularis.
Manuelle Medizin (46).
219 - 227.
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A and Becker, S
Outcome of Prodisc L.
Anterior Spine Access Course, Februar 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Kyphoplasty, when and why?
International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
18th international meeting GRIBOI, Mai 2008, Montreal. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Kyphoplasty - Complications.
International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Meury, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I
Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase (FXIII).
J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings (90(SUP).
p. 136.
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Results Prodisc-L.
AO Synfix Course , März 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, St, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Meury, T, Sprecher, C, Alini, M and Wilke, I
Osteopromotion with a Plasmatransglutaminase on a ß-TCP ceramic.
Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine.
659 - 665.
Item not available from this repository.
Schwesig, R, Sannemüller, K, Kolditz, R, Hottenrott, K, Becker, S and Esperer, HD
Einfluss unterschiedlicher Reitdisziplinen auf die Haltungsregulation.
Sportverl Sportschad (22).
93 - 99.
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
AOSpine Austria.
AOSpine Schwesternkurs, April 2008, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Chairman / Faculty.
ArthroCare Spine Nucleoplasty & Vertebroplasty Cadaver Training Course, Februar, Mai, September 2008, Salzburg. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Degenerative Skoliose.
Gmundener Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2008, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Chavanne, A, Spitaler, R, Kropik, K, Aigner, N, Ogon, M and Redl, H
Assessment of different screw augmentation techniques and screw design in osteoporotic spines.
Eur Spine J (17).
1462 - 69.
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A and Becker, S
Early revision of lumbar total disc arthroplasty.
8th Bernese Live Spine Surgery Symposium LISS, Februar 2008, Bern, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Critical Analysis of Kyphoplasty.
International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A and Becker, S
Early revision of lumbar total disc arthroplasty.
8th Bernese Live Spine Symposium LISS, Februar 2008, Bern, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S and Ogon, M, eds.
Balloon Kyphoplasty.
Springer Wien New York.
ISBN 978-3-211-74220-4
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Howanietz, N, Meissner, J and Bretschneider, W
Revision surgery in lumbar total disc arthroplasty.
Prodisc Train the Trainer Meeting, September 2008, Bad Bubendorf, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A and Becker, S
Outcome of Prodisc L.
Anterior Spine Access Course, Februar 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Different treatment options for lumbar DDD.
Total disc replacement European Conference. Eivdence-based spine surgery? , März 2007, Marbella, Spain. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
J Miner Stoffwechs , 14 (1).
p. 1.
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Die Nukleoplastie.
Weiterbildung, Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Faculty AO Spine Future Seminar, November 2007, Wien. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Faculty Kyphon Operation Course.
University of Leiden , Januar and September 2007, Netherlands. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Total disc arthroplasty.
Instrucional Course Lecture. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Mai 2007, Florence, Italy. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Becker, S
Outcome of Prodisc L arthroplasty.
Anterior spine access course, November 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Osteoporosis and bone substitutes.
Hovorka I, Farcy JP. Spine Concepts 2007.
Sauramps médical, Montpellier , 35 - 43.
ISBN 978-2-804023-525-5
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Langstreckige Spondylodesen.
Degenerativer lumbaler Kadaver Kurs, März 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Deformity surgery.
Deformity Direction Panel Meeting, Februar 2007, London, UK. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Mehr als Schmerztherapie: Kyphoplastie.
Deutschsprachige Osteoporose Selbsthilfegruppen, Jahrestagung, März 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Meissner, J
Prodisc-C surgical technique.
Cervical spine arthroplasty course Beijing, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Lumbale Bandscheibenprothesen.
AO Schwesternkurs, April 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S
Therapiemöglichkeiten bei schmerzhafter Bandscheibendegeneration.
Gmundener Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2007, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Interspinöse Implantate.
Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Faculty Aperius Operationskurs.
Universität des Saarlandes, Mai 2007, Homburg / Saar. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
TLIF Technik.
Degenerativer lumbaler Kadaver Kurs, März 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Lumbale Bandscheibenprothesen.
Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Prodisc L – surgical technique.
Access and lumbar spine arthroplasty course Vienna, Juni 2007, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Vertebroplastie und Kyphoplastie.
Weiterbildung, Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Die Knochendichtemessung.
Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Bartl, R, Falkner, E and Eder, C
Tissue engineering of the intervertebral disc: does donor pathology matter?
Biospine 2, 2nd International Congress Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery, September 2007, Leipzig, Germany. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Bildgebende Diagnostik der Wirbelsäule.
Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Fusion or artificial disc?
Cervical spine arthroplasty course Hangzhou , März 2007, University Hospital Hangzhoz, Hangzhou, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Results Prodisc-L.
AO Synfix Course , März / November 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Faculty Kyphos.
Trainings Course, company Helico, November 2007, Santiago, Chile. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
AO Schwesternkurs, April 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S
Clinical results of lumbar spine arthroplasty in Speising.
Access and lumbar spine arthroplasty course Vienna, Juni 2007, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Schwesig, R, Kluttig, A, Lauenroth, A, Kubala, A, Brandt, J, Becker, S and Hottenrott, K
Diagnostik des Sturzrisikos bei älteren Personen mit und ohne Osteoporose.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin (58(7-8).
p. 243.
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Indication for cervical disc arthroplasty.
Cervical spine arthroplasty course Hangzhou , März 2007, University Hospital Hangzhoz, Hangzhou, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Howanietz, N, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S
Implantation of the ProDisc intervertebral disk prosthesis for the lumbar spine.
Oper Orthop Traumatol , 19 (2).
209 - 30.
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Meury, T, Sprecher, C, Alini, M and Wilke, I
Osteopromotion with a plasmatransglutaminase on a ß-TCP ceramic.
J Mater Sci Mater Med. (41465).
p. 2.
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Meissner, J
Indicationen Arthroplastie.
AOSpine anterior spine surgery course , September 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Die Nukleoplastie.
Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der österreichischen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Oktober 2007, Hochrum. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Meissner, J
Clinical results of Prodisc TDR.
Cervical spine arthroplasty course Beijing, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Kyphos – Trainings Course.
University, September 2007, Ankara. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Becker, S
Results of Prodisc L.
Lumbar spine cadaver course. Anterior access and instrumentation, März 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M and Meissner, J
Review of live surgery Beijing.
Cervical spine arthroplasty course Beijing, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Becker, P
Prodisc C – clinical experience.
Prodisc C User Meeting Munich, November 2006, Munich, Germany. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Cervical total disc replacement.
1th International Summit Forum of Orthopaedics, 9th Central South China Region Conference on Orthopaedics, Oktober 2006, Wuhan, China . [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Kyphoplasty – An overview.
International spine symposium SINCOL, August 2006, Rio de Janeiro . [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Technik der Kyphoplastie.
Springer, 66 - 76.
ISBN 3-211-23592-2
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Heini, PF and Ogon, M
Epidemiologie der Osteoporose.
Springer, 3 - 9 .
ISBN 3-211-23592-2
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Kyphoplastie / Vertebroplastie.
Süddeutscher Orthopädenkongress , Mai 2006, Baden-Baden. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Rahn, B, Meury, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I
Autologous alternatives in bone healing: Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase (F XIII).
15th Indonesia Orthopaedic Association meeting joint with ASEAN Orthopaedic Association Meeting, September 2006, Bali. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Interspinouse spacers.
AOSpine Lecture Tour Yokohama, Juni 2006, Yokohama, Japan. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M
Activation and injectability assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive - osteogenic bone substitute.
International Conference on Progress in Bone and Mineral Research, November 2006, Wien. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Kyphoplasty Operation Course, April 2006, Leiden, Netherlands. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Die AOSpine International.
Kadaverkurs: SynFix LR and SynCage LR, Juni 2006, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Tuschel, A and Meissner, J
Die Bandscheibenprothese an der Lendenwirbelsäule: Indikation, Technik, Ergebnisse.
Fortbildungsveranstaltung Orthopädie am Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum Berlin, November 2006, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M
The reason for prophylactic multisegmental stabilisation of osteoporotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty.
IOF, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M
The minimal-invasive treatment of osteonecrosis in osteoporotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty.
IOF, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Maissen, O, Pononmarev, I, Stoll, T, Rahn, B and Wilke, I
Osteopromotion by a ß-TCP / bone marrow hybrid implant for use in spine surgery.
Spine, 31 (1).
31(1):11 - 17 .
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S
Bandscheibenprothesen an der HWS.
Wirbelsäulensymposium der AO-ÖGU, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthesefragen - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie, März 2006, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Die Nukleoplastie.
Weiterbildungsreihe der Physiotherapieschule Bad Sulza, April 2006, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S and Ogon, M, eds.
ISBN 3-211-23592-2
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M
Activation and biomechanical assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive – osteogenic bone substitute.
GRIBOI Meeting, März 2006, Bern. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Bone grafts and bone marrow.
Synthes General Manager Meeting, Februar 2006, Are, Schweden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, Stephan
Kyphoplasty Operation Course, November 2006, Salzburg. [Vorsitz]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Künstliche Bandscheibe – semirigide Fixation.
Wirbelsäulenchirurgie Workshop mit praktischen Übungen Graz. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, September 2006, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Ogon, M
Outcome of Prodisc L arthroplasty.
LISS (Less Invasive Spine Surgery) Symposium Bern, Februar 2006, Bern, Schweiz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Franz, K, Wilke, I and Ogon, M
Injectable bone cements in the treatment of spinal fractures, osteopromotive capacity and surgical considerations.
GRIBOI Meeting, März 2006, Bern. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M
Activation and biomechanical assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive – osteogenic bone substitute.
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Biomaterials, April 2006, Davos. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Kyphoplasty – new trends.
International spine symposium SINCOL, August 2006, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Rahn, B, Meury, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I
Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase (F XIII).
Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S
Tassements vertébraux – Kyphoplastie.
Rachis - 9ème Journée d'orthopédie des Cliniques du Sud Luxembourg, Oktober 2006, Arlon, Belgien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, S, Meury, T, Alini, M, Stoll, T and Wilke, I
Alternatives to growth factors: stimulation of osteoblasts in vitro und in vivo with a plasmatransglutaminase for spinal fusions.
Eurospine, Oktober 2006, Istanbul. [Poster]
Item not available from this repository.
Becker, St, Maisson, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoo, TB, Rahn, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I
Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase.
Europ Spine J (14. Ja).
p. 58.
Item not available from this repository.
This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 03:05:34 2025 UTC.