Abteilung für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Group by: Date | Item Type | Creators Browse ID
Jump to: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Number of items at this level: 435.


Krepler, Petra (2021) Personalisierte Versorgungsmöglichkeiten in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Jahrestagung des Berufsverbands der Österreichischen Fachärzte für Orthopädie, 20.11.2021, 1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9, Haus der Ingenieure. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Krepler, Petra (2021) Die Wirbelsäule- Einführung und Krankheitsbilder. Vorlesung SFU MED - MODUL M22 Bewegungsapparat, 10.09.2021, Freudpl. 1, 1020 Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Scheuer, Raphael (2020) Stoßwellentherapie in der Orthopädie und Traumatologie – Evidenz und Trends. GOTS Newsletter.
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Scheuer, Raphael (2020) Wirbelsäule und Sport. JATROS, Orthopädie, Traumatologie & Rheumatologie. pp. 28-30. ISSN 1997-8308
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Schenk, S (2020) Die idiopathische Adoleszenten Skoliose und ihre operative Therapie. Webinar Adolscente Idiopathische Skoliose, 18.11.2020, SMZO - Webinar. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schenk, S (2020) state of the art - Spondylolisthesis - ein biomechanischer Ansatz - die SDSG Klassifikation. Grand Rounds, 27.01.2020, OS Speising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Ultraschallgezielte Infiltrationen. 20. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, 26.01.2019, Technisches Museum Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Stosswellentherapie (ESWT) rund ums Knie des Seniorsportlers. Back2Sports - Sportorthopädische Tagung 2019, 11. Jänner 2019, Orthopädisches Spital Speising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Grundlagen und Praxis der Stoßwellentherapie. Shockwave Education Austria - Grundlagen und Praxis der Stoßwellentherapie, 9. März 2019, Elixhausen bei Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Ultraschallgezielte Schmerztherapie. 7. Fortbildungsseminar der ÖGOuT - Block 7, 22.-23. Februar 2019, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Basics der Stoßwellentherapie + Hands-on-Workshop. 7. Fortbildungsseminar der ÖGOuT - Block 7, 22.-23. Februar 2019, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Ultraschallgezielte Schmerztherapie: effektive und sichere Infiltrationen. JATROS, Orthopädie, Traumatologie & Rheumatologie, 2019 (2). pp. 52-54. ISSN 1997-8308
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Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Röntgengezielte Schmerztherapie: Ein Tool für Diagnostik und Therapie. JATROS, Orthopädie, Traumatologie & Rheumatologie, 2019 (2). pp. 55-57. ISSN 1997-8308
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Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Wirbelsäule und Sport: Belastungsmuster und deren klinische Relevanz. Orthopädische Nachrichten, 2019 (05). p. 14. ISSN 1437-2193
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Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Wirbelsäule und Sport: Belastungsmuster und deren klinische Relevanz. GOTS - 34. Jahreskongress, 27.-29. Juni 2019, Salzburg Congress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Wirbelsäule und Golfschwung: Beobachtungen des Bewegungsablaufs. GOTS - 34. Jahreskongress, 27.-29. Juni 2019, Salzburg Congress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Wenn Schmerz nicht ausstrahlt, nimmt ihm das den Ernst? Ärzte Woche, 33 (35). pp. 16-17. ISSN 1862-7137
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Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Untersuchung der Wirbelsäule: was nicht fehlen darf. 22. Ärztetage Velden, 18.-24. August 2019, Velden am Wörthersee. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Rückenschmerzen ohne Ausstrahlung: eine Trivialität? 22. Ärztetage Velden, 18.-24. August 2019, Velden am Wörthersee. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Scheuer, Raphael (2019) Ultraschallgezieltes Infiltrieren: effizient und sicher. 22. Ärztetage Velden, 18.-24. August 2019, Velden am Wörthersee. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schenk, S and Ebner, R (2019) Präoperative Halo-Gravitations-Traktion - Eine effiziente Methode in der Behandlung von schweren Skoliosen/Kyphosen. ÖGO Jahresversammlung, 24.5.2019, Wels. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schenk, S (2019) Fehlbildungen der Wirbelsäule – wann therapiebedürftig? Radiologie Vinzenztage. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schenk, S (2019) Wirbelsäule - Deformitäten Skoliose, Kyphose, Scheuermann, Lordose. Vorlesung Modul B11-2, Sigmund Freud Universität. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schenk, S (2019) Osteotomies (PSO, SPO, VCR). Globus MERC Vienna, Hilton-Plaza, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Panzenböck, Lukas (2018) Perioperative Antibiotikagabe – systemisch und/oder topisch? Spine Discussion Group, Steyr, Oberösterreich. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Panzenböck, Lukas (2018) Effective Non-Surgical Interventions for Radicular Pain. EUROSPINE Education Week, Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Panzenböck, Lukas (2018) Imaging of Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative Spondylolisthesis. EUROSPINE Education Week, Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Panzenböck, Lukas (2018) How to investigate a patient with Axial Pain. EUROSPINE Education Week, Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Ogon, Michael and Scheuer, Raphael (2017) Spinale Stenose - OP or not OP? Konservative Orthopädie im Fokus, 14.-16. Juli 2017, Pörtschach. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Meissner, J (2017) Operationsindikationen der degenerativ veränderten HWS. Vinzenztag 2017, 17.11.2017, Spital Speising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]
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Ogon, M (2017) Non-surgical treatment of back pain. Eurospine Education Week, 22.-23.06.2017, Strasbourg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2017) Passing an orthopaedic exit exam – scoliosis. EUROSPINE Symposium at EFORT Congress, 31.05.2017, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2017) Osteoporotische Frakturen – das Speisinger Therapieschema. Kongresstage Orthopädie – Wirbelsäule im Fokus, 17.-18.11.2017, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schenk, S (2017) Das sagittale Profil. In: Die wachsende Wirbelsäule. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 38-49.


Ogon, Michael (2016) Update EUROSPINE. 17. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, 30.01.2016, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael (2016) Research in the clinical environment. TFR (Task Force Research) Eurospine 2016, 7.-11.3.2016, Mailand. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael, Schenk, Stefan and Becker, Philipp (2016) The realiability of scoliosis classification systems. Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), 1.-3.6.2016, Genf. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael (2016) EUROSPINE – the Spine Society of Europe: Who we are. Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), 1.-3.6.2016, Genf. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael, Tuschel, Alexander and Panzenböck, Lukas (2016) The osteoporotic fracture patient: Are there options to impove implant fixation and fusion outcome? Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), 1.-3.6.2016, Genf. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael, Becker, Philipp, Panzenböck, Lukas and Tuschel, Alexander (2016) Osteoporotic fractures in the degenerative spine – Kyphoplasty/Vetrebroplasty or cement augmented fusion? OASpine Global Spine Meeting, 13.-16.4.2016, Dubai. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael (2016) Welcome and introduction to Eurospine. EUROSPINE Spring Meeting 2016, 10.-13.05.2016, Krakau. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael and Machacek, Peter (2016) Wirbelsäule - degenerative Erkrankungen. Vorlesung Orthopädie, 30.05.2016, Sigmund Freud Universität Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael (2016) Wirbelsäule – Deformitäten. Vorlesung Orthopädie, 30.05.2016, Sigmund Freud Universität Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael (2016) Degenerative Spondylolisthesis. EuroSpine EducationWeek, Module 2: Degenerative Disesases of the Spine., 15.-17.06.2016, Strasbourg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, Michael (2016) Presidential Adress – The Surgeon’s Time Cupsule. EUROSPINE 2016, 5.-8.10.2016, Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Panzenböck, Lukas (2016) Wound And Blood Vancomycin Concentrations After Intrawound Powder Application - Pharmacokinetic Data From A Randomized Controlled Trial. EuroSpine Annual Meeting, 05.-07.Oktober 2016, Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Panzenböck, Lukas (2016) Vancomycin Blut- sowie Wundkonzentrationen nach intraoperativer Puderapplikation – Pharmakokinetische Daten einer DWG geförderten, randomisierten, kontrollierten Studie. 11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, 01.-03.Dezember 2016, Hannover. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Ogon, M (2015) Jahresbericht 2015 - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Vollversammlung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M and Panzenböck, L (2015) Fusion and non-fusion technologies – literature review and personal experience. 5th International Congress Biotechnologies for Spine Surgery, Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Debate – Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: It’s all hype and marketing. 15th Annual Meeting of the International Society fort he Advancement of Spine Surgery., Miami, USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M, Becker, P and Meissner, J (2015) Degenerative Veränderungen und operative Möglichkeiten. Rheuma Days Austria – Wirbelsäulensymposium., Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Dynamische Stabilisierung statt Fusion. Sind unserer Erwartungen erfüllt worden? Kongress – Die gestörte Wirbelsäule – vom Befund zur Behandlung, Pörtschach. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Short History of Spine Surgery in Austria – Welcome from the Host Chairman. Medtronic Summer University, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M and Panzenböck, L (2015) The osteoporotic patient – are there options to improve implant fixation and fusion outcome? Medtronic Summer University, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M and Panzenböck, L (2015) Behandlungsalgorithmus aus Sicht des orthopädischen Wirbelsälenchirurgen bei Folgeerkrankungen der Segmentdegeneration am Beispiel Pseudospondylolisthese, De-novo-Skoliose und Spinalkanalstenose. 8. Berliner Wirbelsäulenkongress. Degenerative und entzündliche Erkrankungen an HWS, BWS and LWS – wann operieren, wann konservativ., Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Indikationen für Hybridverfahren und der LWS. Vivantes: 8. Berliner Wirbelsäulenkongress. Degenerative und entzündliche Erkrankungen an HWS, BWS and LWS – wann operieren, wann konservativ., Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M, Panzenböck, L, Schenk, S, Tuschel, A and Becker, P (2015) Vorkommen und Therapiestrategien bei der lumbalen Anschlussinstabilität. Vivantes: 8. Berliner Wirbelsäulenkongress. Degenerative und entzündliche Erkrankungen an HWS, BWS and LWS – wann operieren, wann konservativ., Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M, Panzenböck, L and Leisser, M (2015) Osteoporotic fractures in the degenerative spine – Kyphoplasty/Vertebroplasty or cementaugmented fusion. DKOU interantional (EuroSpine Session): Spine – Osteoporotic fractures in the elderly with preexisting spinal pathologies. DKOU – Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Messe Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Case Presentations – surgical management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in preexisting pathologies. DKOU interantional (EuroSpine Session): Spine – Osteoporotic fractures in the elderly with preexisting spinal pathologies. DKOU – Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Messe Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Machacek, P and Rustler, T (2015) Effective Non-Surgical Interventions for Radicular Pain. EuroSpine EducationWeek, Module 2: Degenerative Disesases of the Spine., Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Degenerative Spondylolisthesis. EuroSpine EducationWeek, Module 2: Degenerative Disesases of the Spine., Strasbourg, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2015) Welcome address from Eurospine. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkonress (DWG), Frankfurt. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Ogon, M and Schenk, S (2014) Bedeutung des sagittalen Profils für die Entscheidung Fusion ja/nein. 15. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, 25.01.2014, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2014) Op-Indikation bei Bandscheibenvorfall und spinaler Stenose an der Halswirbelsäule. Kongress: Das Zervikalsyndrom: Konservative Therapie – manuelle Medizin. Prof Hans Tilscher, 11.-13.07.2014, Pörtschach. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M and Panzenböck, L (2014) Guest Lecture: Anterior lumbar spine surgery-complications. Review Literature. AOSpine Advance Course - Anterior Spine Surgery and Approaches, 11.-12.09.2014, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2014) Bewegungs- und Stützapparat. Gesundheitstag in Kitzbühel. MSGT Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Tirol. KitzKongress, Kitzbühel. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Ogon, M (2014) Operative Möglichkeiten bei Osteoporose. Schmerztage Bad Vöslau, Dr. Pinsger, 11.-12.10.2014, Bad Vöslau. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Eder, C, Trifinopoulos, J, Schildböck, S, Koppensteiner, N, Zolles, J, Falkner, E and Ogon, M (2014) Influence of non-opoid analgetics on healthy nucleus pulposus cells. . ISASS14, Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Advanvement of Spine Surgery, 30.04.-02.05.2014, Miami, USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Eder, C, Schenk, S, Trifinopoulos, J, Schildboeck, S, Kienzl, M and Ogon, M (2014) Does intrawound application of Vancomycin influenze bone regeneration in spinal fusion? Best Paper Session. Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society NASS 2014, 12.-15.11.2014, San Francisco, CA, USA,. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Eder, C, Meissner, J, Bretschneider, W, Schildböck, S and Ogon, M (2013) Analysis of a β-TCP bone graft extender explanted during revision surgery after 28 months in vivo. Eur Spine J.
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Eder, C, Pinsger, A, Schildboeck, S, Falkner, E, Becker, P and Ogon, M (2013) Influence of intradiscal medication on nucleus pulposus cells. Spine J..
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Schenk, S (2012) Die sagittale Balance in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie - F.B.I. Full Balance Integrated. Synthes Workshop, Juni 2012, Speising, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2012) Die sagittale Balance in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie - F.B.I. Full Balance Integrated. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Juni 2012, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2012) Die sagittale Balance der Wirbelsäule und ihre Bedeutung in der Chirurgie. Jatros (6). 34 - 37. Item not available from this repository.


Rath, S, Schenk, S and Chavanne, A (2011) Fallpräsentation- Degenerative Lumbalskoliose mit sagittaler Dysbalance. 7. Gmundner Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2011, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, DB, Holtz, JR, Dollin, N and Kuntz, C (2011) Spinal cord intramedullary pressure in cervical kyphotic deformity: a cadaveric study. Spine, 36 (20). 1619 - 26. Item not available from this repository.

Rath, S and Bauer, S (2011) Behandlung der Skoliose am Beispiel des OSS. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neurochirurgische Krankenpflege, Oktober 2011, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Meissl, M and Ogon, M (2011) 5 Jahresergebnisse der Thermokoagulation lumbaler Facettengelenke. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie Jahrestagung, September 2011, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.


Ogon, M (2010) Indication and technique of lumbar TDR. AOSpine Advanced Course: Anterior Spine Course, September 2010, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2010) Chirurgisches Management der sinalen Stenose. Orthopädie & Rheuma (1). 61 - 66. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A and Ogon, M (2010) Life quality after instrumented lumbar fusion in the eldery. Spine (35). 1478 - 81. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Indikation zur Wirbelsäulenoperation oder besser konservative Therapie? Schwierige Fälle. Symposium v. Dr. Pinsger, Juli 2010, in der Mühle. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Complications in anterior spine surgery. Anterior access complication course, September 2010, Strasbourg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2010) Skoliose. Dancer´s (Winter). p. 39. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2010) Keel based lumbar total disc replacement. Oper Orthop Traumatol. 539 - 607. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Leisser, M (2010) Adjacent segment fractures following kyphoplasty. Summer University , Juli 2010, Barcelona. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Indication and technique of anterior fusion and arthroplasty - Synfix/Prodisc. Anterior Spine Access Course, Oktober 2010, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Results of lumbar total disc arthroplasty. Anterior Spine Access Course, Mai 2010, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Long spinal fusion constructs: Adjacent segment fractures. Summer University, Juli 2010, Barcelona. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M (2010) Wirbelsäulenchirurgie bei älteren Patienten. Jatros Orthopädie (5). 33 - 36. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P and Ogon, M (2010) Der ältere Wirbelsäulenpatient - Wann OP? St. Josef Krankenhaus Vortragsreihe, Mai 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M (2010) Chirurgische Lösungen bei älteren Wirbelsäulenpatienten. 51. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Juni 2010, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Becker, P, Meissner, J and Tuschel, A (2010) Results of Prodisc L from the Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna Speising. Hospital Dr. Srour, Juli 2010, Colmar. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Indication and technique of anterior fusion and arthroplasty - Synfix/Prodisc. Anterior Spine Access Course, Oktober 2010, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Adjacent segment degeneration. EuroSpine, September 2010, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M (2010) Ergebnisse nach lumbalen Pedikelschraubenfusionen bei Patienten über 70a. 5 Jahrestagung der deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Dezember 2010, Bremen. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, St, Tuschel, A, Meissl, M and Ogon, M (2010) Correlation of BMI and clinical outcome in patients with monosegmental PLIF. Eurospine 2010, September 2010, Wien. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Indikation und Technik der PLIF Operation. Münsteraner Wirbelsäulenkurs, Oktober 2010, Münster. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S and Chavanne, A (2010) Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Bezirksärztefortbildung 7. Bezirk, November 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Bartl, R, Sora, MC and Eder, C (2010) Hip joint communicating bursitis iliopectinea - an uncommon disease pattern. Revista de Ortopedie si Traumatologie, 3 (19). 1 - 3. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Indication for cervical disc Arthroplasty. AOSpine Advanced Course: Anterior Spine Course, September 2010, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2010) Spinale Stenose. Akademie Speisintg, September 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M (2010) Ergebnisse nach lumbalen Pedikelschraubenfusionen bei Patienten über 70a. 5. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Dezember 2010, Bremen. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, P (2010) Fusionsoperationen beim älteren Patienten. Gmundener Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2010, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, P, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A, Eder, C and Ogon, M (2010) Life Quality after instrumented lumbar fusion in the elderly. Eurospine 2010, September 2010, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Bandscheibenprothesen und dynamische Fusionen. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirugie, Juni 2010, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Sora, MC and Eder, C (2010) Fersensporn - perkutane Fasciektomie unter radiologischer Kontrolle. REVISTA DE ORTOPEDIE SI TRAUMATOLOGIE (1/2(14). 1 - 5. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2010) Indication for anterior lumbar spine surgery. Anterior Spine Access Course, Mai 2010, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2010) Fusion or TDR? Euro Spine, September 2010, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.


Ogon, M (2009) Results of spine arthroplasty in the Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna Speising. Lumbar spine cadaver course, November 2009, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Meissner, J and Becker, S (2009) Life course- Approach to the lumbar disc. Live Cervical and Lumbar Nucleoplasty Training Course, August 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) Discusprothese. 10. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Jänner 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2009) Die zervikale Bandscheibenprothese. Leading Opinions Orthopädie (CH) (1). p. 1. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, M (2009) Indication for cervical disc arthroplasty. AOSpine Course - Advances in anterior spine surgery and approaches, September 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) Anschlussdegeneration und mögliche Auswege? Dorsale dynamische Stabilisierung. Spine at Nine, November 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) Adjacent disc degeneration. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Juni 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz CK, IV (2009) Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study. Eusrospine 2009, Oktober 2009, Warschau/Polen. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2009) Results of Prodisc L disc arthroplasty. Lumbar spine cadaver course, Oktober 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Meissner, J and Becker, S (2009) Nucleoplasty - The Lumbar Approach. Live Cervical and Lumbar Nucleoplasty Course, März 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) Controversial case discussion under functional anatomical considerations. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Juni 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz, CK (2009) Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study. Mayfield Neuroscience Symposium 2009, Mai 2009, Cincinnati, OH/USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2009) Indication for cages in anterior spine surgery. Lumbar spine cadaver course, Oktober 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A and Becker, P (2009) Anschlussdegeneration. Monatssitzung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Oktober 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A and Meissner, J (2009) Indication for arthroplasty and hybrid constructs in lumbar spine surgery. Lumbar spine cadaver course, November 2009, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Becker, P, Becker, S, Chavanne, A and Bretschneider, W (2009) Indications and technique of lumbar spine arthroplasty. AOSpine Course - Advances in anterior spine surgery and approaches, September 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2009) Experience with spine registrar in Europe. AOSpine Non Fusion Registrar Meeting, Februar 2009, Las Vegas, USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz, CK (2009) Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study. AO Global Spine Congress, Juni 2009, San Francisco/CA, USA. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A and Becker, P (2009) Anschlußdegenerationen. Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2009, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Meissner, J (2009) Fast ohne Messer: Die endoskopische Bandscheibenoperation. Spine at nine, November 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2009) Interspinöse Spacer - Pro-contra. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress, Dezember 2009, München. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) Indication for anterior spine surgery. Lumbar spine cadaver course, Februar 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Chavanne, A, Pettigrew, D, Holtz, J, Dollin, N and Kuntz, CK (2009) Cervical kyphotic deformity increases spinal cord intramedullary pressure - a cadaveric study. Annual Meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society , September 2009, St. Antonio/Texas. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A, Meissner, M and Chavanne, A (2009) Experience with ProDisc L disc arthroplasty. Lumbar spine cadaver course, Februar 2009, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) What is the role of fusion in degenerative disc disease? European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Tramatology (EFORT), Juni 2009, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2009) Der Bandscheibenvorfall. dancer´s (Sommer). p. 99. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2009) Anschlussdegenerationen nach LWS Fusionen. Forum Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Jänner 2009, Arosa, Schweiz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.


Becker, Stephan (2008) Organisation / Faculty. Synthes Vertebroplastiekurs, April, Mai, September 2008, Wien. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S and Ogon, M (2008) Spinale Stenose - Bewährtes und Neues. Akademie Speising, Dezember 2008, OSSpeisng. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Minimal-invasive Schmerztherapie der Zukunft? - Intracept. Spine at Nine, Oktober 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Management of complications: Pseudoarthrosis. 8th Bernese Live Spine Surgery Symposium LISS, Februar 2008, Bern, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Biomechanik der augmentierten Wirbelsäule und Injektions-Biomechanik. Synthes Vertebroplastiekurs, April und Mai 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Lauenroth, A, Pudszuhn, A, Bloching, M, Esperer, H-D, Hottenrott, K, Becker, S and Schwesig, R (2008) Dreidimensionale Trainingstherapie bei Neuropathia vestibularis. Manuelle Medizin (46). 219 - 227. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Überlegungen zur Schmerzreduktion durch Zementinjektion. Friedrich Olbert Interventioneller Workshop, Jänner 2008, München. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A and Becker, S (2008) Outcome of Prodisc L. Anterior Spine Access Course, Februar 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Evaluation of the treatment costs after balloon kyphoplasty versus conservative treatment in osteoporotic vertebral fractures - an economical analysis. NASS, Oktober 2008, Toronto. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2008) Indication for cages in lumbar spine surgery. Anterior Spine Access Course, März 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Kyphoplasty, when and why? International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2008) Chairman. 18th international meeting GRIBOI, Mai 2008, Montreal. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Reimbursement of Spine Procedures - The Austrian DRG System and its implications for spine surgeons. Le Rachis (6). p. 28. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A and Meissner, J (2008) Klinische Diagnostik der lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. 9. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Jänner 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) The role of kyphoplasty in metastatic spinal diseases. World Spine: International course on spinal tumurs, November 2008, Las Palmas. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Congenital scoliosis - case presentations. Deformity meeting Zürich. DePuy Deformity Meeting, April 2008, Zürich Balgrist. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Kyphoplasty - Complications. International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Meury, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I (2008) Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase (FXIII). J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings (90(SUP). p. 136. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Indications for anterior surgery. Anterior access course, October 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Autologous Alternatives to Growth Factors in Spine Surgery. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Autologous possibilities for osteopromotion. Spineweek, Mai 2008, Geneva. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Results Prodisc-L. AO Synfix Course , März 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Aktueller Stand der konservativen und operativen Versorgung: Osteoporotische Wirbelfrakturen. Spectrum Osteoporose (1). p. 1. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, St, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Meury, T, Sprecher, C, Alini, M and Wilke, I (2008) Osteopromotion with a Plasmatransglutaminase on a ß-TCP ceramic. Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine. 659 - 665. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2008) Organisation and Scientific Chairman. WENMISS congress, Jänner 2008, London. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S and Ogon, M (2008) Therapie bei osteoporotischer Wirbelkörperfraktur: Kypho– und Vertebroplastie. Akademie Speising, Juni 2008, OSSpeising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Biomechanical evaluation of different augmentation techniques and different screws in osteoporosis. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Management of complications: Pseudarthrosis. 8th Bernese Live Spine Surgery Symposium , Februar 2008, LISS. Bern, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Die Bandscheibenprothese: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Orthopädie Akademie Speising, Dezember 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schwesig, R, Sannemüller, K, Kolditz, R, Hottenrott, K, Becker, S and Esperer, HD (2008) Einfluss unterschiedlicher Reitdisziplinen auf die Haltungsregulation. Sportverl Sportschad (22). 93 - 99. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Biomechanical evaluation of different augmentation techniques and different screws in osteoporosis. EFORT, Mai 2008, Nizza. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) A randomized trial of balloon kyphoplasty and nonsurgical care for patients with acute vertebral compression fractures. EFORT, Mai 2008, Nizza. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Specificite de la prise en charge de la pathologie rachidie dans differents pays - Autriche. 21 ème Réunion Annuelle du Gieda Inter Rachis, Dezember 2008, Brüssel. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Degenerative Skoliose - wann macht welche OP Sinn? Spine at Nine, Oktober 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Minimal-invasive stabilization of osteonecrotic vertebral fractures with balloon kyphoplasty. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) AOSpine Austria. AOSpine Schwesternkurs, April 2008, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) CPC: Basic considerations and clinical applications in spine, Fusion technique in osteoporosis. Vorlesung Université de Sherbrooke, Mai, Juni 2008, Sherbrooke, Canada. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A and Meissner, J (2008) Klinische Diagnostik der lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. 9. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Jänner 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2008) Chairman / Faculty. ArthroCare Spine Nucleoplasty & Vertebroplasty Cadaver Training Course, Februar, Mai, September 2008, Salzburg. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Degenerative Skoliose. Gmundener Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2008, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A and Ogon, M (2008) Minimal-invasive stabilization of osteonecrotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings (Mar 20). p. 128. Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2008) Ballett - Orthopädische Aspekte. Dancer´s (Juni/J). - . Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Chavanne, A, Spitaler, R, Kropik, K, Aigner, N, Ogon, M and Redl, H (2008) Assessment of different screw augmentation techniques and screw design in osteoporotic spines. Eur Spine J (17). 1462 - 69. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Advantages and disadvantages of MISS. Ceremonial lecture. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Clinical, biomechanical and economic considerations of balloon kyphoplasty. 18th Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Injectable Biomaterials/Biomechanics for Minimally Invasive Clinical Aplications - GRIBOI 2008, Mai 2008, Montreal. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Die Vertebroplastie, Historie, persönliche Erfahrungen, Tipps und Tricks. Synthes Vertebroplastiekurs, April und Mai 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Neue minimal-invasive Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Versorgung der degnerativen lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. Friedrich Olbert Interventioneller Workshop, Jänner 2008, München. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2008) Total disc arthroplasty - results from Vienna Speising. Access and arthroplasty course, Jänner 2008, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Vertebroplastie und Ballonkyphoplastie in der Traumatologie. Nordstädter Nachmittag, April 2008, Hannover. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Garoscio, M and Ogon, M (2008) Indications for prophylactic stabilizations with kyphoplasty after osteoporotic vertebral fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings (90(SUP). p. 127. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Update Ballonkyphoplastie - Vertebroplastie. Spine at Nine, Oktober 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) The treatment of vertebral fractures with injectable resorbable bone cements, osteopromotive capacity and surgical considerations. COA / AOA meeting, Juni 2008, Quebec City. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Tuschel, Alexander, Chavanne, Albert, Meissner, Jochen and Ogon, Michael (2008) Balloon kyphoplasty for vertebra plana with and without osteonecrosis. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong), 16 (1). 14 - 9. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2008) Indication for cages in lumbar spine surgery. Anterior Spine Access Course, Februar 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Biomaterials in Minimal invasive spine surgery: An Overview. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Knochenzemente für Wirbelkörperfrakturen. Clinicum Orthopädie (4). 6 - 8. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2008) Total disc arthroplasty - results from Vienna Speising. Access and arthroplasty course , November 2008, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2008) Chairman / Faculty Synthes workshop About the osteogenetic potential of bone marrow - the Synthes bone marrow initiative. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Die Versorgungosteoporotischer Wirbelfrakturen mit Vertebroplastie oder Ballonkyphoplastie. In: Kress HG, Knolle E. (Hrsg.) Update Schmerztherapie: Von der akuten zur chronischen Schmerztherapie. Pabst Scientific Publishers, Lengerich, 94 - 102. ISBN 978-3-89967-459-0 Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2008) AOSpine Current fusion and non-fusion technologies in the human spine. 17th Annual Meeting European College of Veterinary Surgeons, July 2008, Basel. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A and Becker, S (2008) Early revision of lumbar total disc arthroplasty. 8th Bernese Live Spine Surgery Symposium LISS, Februar 2008, Bern, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Indications for lumbar spine instrumentation. AO Synfix Course, März 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) A Randomized Trial of Balloon Kyphoplasty and Nonsurgical Care for Patients with Acute Vertebral Compression Fractures. COA / AOA meeting, Juni 2008, Quebec City. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A and Meissner, J (2008) Indikation für die cervicale Bandscheibenprothese. AOSpine ventraler Zugangskurs, September 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2008) Epidemiologie und Krankheitsbild der lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. Inspace Workshop, Oktober 2008, OSSpeising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) The ChronOs perfusion system - bone marrow perfusion as osteopromotive fusion enhancement. Synthes workshop, 93. SIOT Kongress, November 2008, Rom. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Pfeiffer, KP and Ogon, M (2008) Evaluation of the Treatment Costs after Balloon Kyphoplasty vs. Conservative Treatment in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures: An Economical Analysis. The Spine Journal (8,5). p. 56. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Critical Analysis of Kyphoplasty. International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Lumbar total disc arthroplasty, results form Vienna Speising. Anterior access course , Oktober 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Newer surgical options for treatment of spinal stenosis: Aperius and Inspace. International spine symposium SINCOL, Juli 2008, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A and Tuschel, A (2008) Indication for lumbar total disc arthroplasty. Access and arthroplasty course, November 2008, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Bretschneider, W, Tuschel, A and Becker, S (2008) Early revision of lumbar total disc arthroplasty. 8th Bernese Live Spine Symposium LISS, Februar 2008, Bern, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2008) Ballett - Orthopädische Aspekte. dancer´s (Juni/J). - . Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S and Ogon, M, eds. (2008) Balloon Kyphoplasty. Springer Wien New York. ISBN 978-3-211-74220-4 Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Howanietz, N, Meissner, J and Bretschneider, W (2008) Revision surgery in lumbar total disc arthroplasty. Prodisc Train the Trainer Meeting, September 2008, Bad Bubendorf, Swiss. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2008) Chariman / Faculty Aperius workshop. WENMISS, Jänner 2008, London. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Different approaches in spine surgery: Fusion techniques in orthopaedics and traumatology. Baxter Biosurgery R&D retreat, Mai 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Biomechanical evaluation of different augmentation techniques and different screws in osteoporosis. COA / AOA meeting, Juni 2008, Quebec City. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A and Becker, S (2008) Outcome of Prodisc L. Anterior Spine Access Course, Februar 2008, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S (2008) Skoliose - Klinische Untersuchung, Bildgebung, Verlauf. Vinzenztag 2008, November 2008, OSSpeising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Perfusion und Knochenmarkaspiration, Grundlagen. Synthes Bioevent, April 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Klassifizierung und Operation der idiopathischen Skoliose. Vinzenz Tag, November 2008, Wien Speising. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) The impact of severe osteoporotic vertebral collapse on the vertebral fracture rate. Spineweek, Mai 2008, Geneva. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Schenk, S and Tuschel, A (2008) Fest oder frei: Das Schicksal der Etage L5/S1. Spine at Nine, Oktober 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Klinische und biomechanische Überlegungen zu PMMA Zementen. Synthes Bioevent, April 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Chirurgisches Management der spinalen Stenose. CEOPS Schmerzkongress, November 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Die Versorgung osteoporotischer Wirbelfrakturen mit Vertebroplastie oder Ballonkyphoplastie. 13. Internationales Schmerzsymposium, März 2008, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2008) Lumbar disc arthroplasty - operative technique. Access and arthroplasty course, November 2008, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2008) Lumbar Nucleoplasty - rationals, alternatives and experience. ArthroCare Spine Nucleoplasty & Vertebroplasty Cadaver Training Course, Februar, Mai, September 2008, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A and Tuschel, A (2008) Indication für lumbar total disc arthroplasty. Access and arthroplasty course, Jänner 2008, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.


Ogon, M (2007) Different treatment options for lumbar DDD. Total disc replacement European Conference. Eivdence-based spine surgery? , März 2007, Marbella, Spain. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Editorial. J Miner Stoffwechs , 14 (1). p. 1. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Indication for cervical total disc replacement. Patient selection – European experience. Cervical spine arthroplasty course, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Die Nukleoplastie. Weiterbildung, Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Patient selection for cervical disc arthroplasty. Cervical spine arthroplasty course Hangzhou , März 2007, University Hospital Hangzhoz, Hangzhou, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Osteoporosis and bone substitutes. Nice Spine Course Nizza, September 2007, Nizza. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Update: Prodisc C and Prodisc L. Lunchsymposium. 29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthropädie, Juni 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Aperius Operationskurs. University , September 2007, Ankara. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Aperius Operationskurs. Universität , Mai 2007, Heidelberg. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Neue minimal-invasive Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Versorgung der degenerativen lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. Weiterbildungsveranstaltung Klinik fürNeurochirurgie , November 2007, Universität Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A, Becker, S and Ogon, M (2007) Patient based outcome after monosegmental fusion vs. total disc arthroplasty – A matched–pairs cohort study. Europ Spine J (16). p. 2035. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Knochenersatzmaterialien. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Osteonecrosis in vertebral fractures and stabilisation with kyphoplasty. EFORT Kongress, Mai 2007, Florenz . [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Aktuelle Ergebnisse und Trends der Ballonkyphoplastie. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteologie. Jahrestagung, Februar/März 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2007) Indications for lumbar spine instrumentation. Lumbar spine cadaver course. Anterior access and instrumentation, März 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Organisation. Faculty AO Spine Future Seminar, November 2007, Wien. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2007) Prodisc-C: intraoperative experience and new modifications. Total disc replacement European Conference. Evidence-based spine surgery? , März 2007, Marbella, Spain. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) About the osteogenetic potential of bone marrow. Synthes Lunch Symposium. EFORT Kongress, Mai 2007, Florenz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Kyphon Operation Course. University of Leiden , Januar and September 2007, Netherlands. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Total disc arthroplasty. Instrucional Course Lecture. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT), Mai 2007, Florence, Italy. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Langstreckige Fusionen der LWS. Spine at Nine, Juni 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Becker, P and Tuschel, A (2007) Cervical disc replacement – current knowledge and future perspectives. AOSpine Future Seminar, November 2007, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Vertebroplastie und Kyphoplastie. AO Schwesternkurs, April 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2007) Outcome of Prodisc L arthroplasty. Anterior spine access course, November 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Die Behandlung von frakturbedingten Schmerzen an der Wirbelsäule mit Ballonkyphoplastie. 2. Wiener Schmerztag, März 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Osteoporosis and bone substitutes. In: Hovorka I, Farcy JP. Spine Concepts 2007. Sauramps médical, Montpellier , 35 - 43. ISBN 978-2-804023-525-5 Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Langstreckige Spondylodesen. Degenerativer lumbaler Kadaver Kurs, März 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Experience with interspinose spacers. Synthes Spine Expert Meeting, Februar 2007, Strudelhof, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Deformity surgery. Deformity Direction Panel Meeting, Februar 2007, London, UK. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Mehr als Schmerztherapie: Kyphoplastie. Deutschsprachige Osteoporose Selbsthilfegruppen, Jahrestagung, März 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M (2007) Cement leakage into the posterior spinal canal during balloon kyphoplasty: a case report. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) (Aug, 1). 222 - 5. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Autologous alternatives to growth factors. AO Spine Future Seminar , November 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Tassements vertebraux - cyphoplasties par ballonnet. Meeting GERULB , Juni 2007, Brüssel. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Neue minimal-invasive Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Versorgung der degenerativen lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. Weiterbildungsveranstaltung Rudolfinerhaus , November 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Aperius Operationskurs. Universität, Juli 2007, Leipzig. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A and Becker, S (2007) Chirurgische Therapie des Kreuzschmerzes. Orthopädieseminar für Allgemeinmediziner. Burgenländische Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin, November 2007, Oberpullendorf. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Difficult situations in osteoporosis, a case series discussion. Nice Spine Course , September 2007, Nizza. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Minimal – invasive Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Spine at Nine, Juni 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Röntgenkurs für Physiotherapeuten und minimal-invasive Behandlungsverfahren an der Wirbelsäule. Faculty Weiterbildung Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie , Juni 2007, Leipzig. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2007) Prodisc-C surgical technique. Cervical spine arthroplasty course Beijing, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Spine Surgery & Bone Substitutes, Rationals and Indications. Synthes Biospine Round Table , Oktober 2007, Amsterdam. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Balloon kyphoplasty in bone tumours. EFORT Kongress, Mai 2007, Florenz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Lumbale Bandscheibenprothesen. AO Schwesternkurs, April 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) CaP Cements: Clinical applications in spine. AO Spine Future Seminar , November 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S (2007) Therapiemöglichkeiten bei schmerzhafter Bandscheibendegeneration. Gmundener Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2007, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Advantages and disadvantages of minimal-invasive lumbar spine surgery. Clinica Alemana, November 2007, Santiago, Chile. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Kyphon Operation Course. PMU , Februar 2007, Salzburg . [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Interspinöse Implantate. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Aperius Operationskurs. Universität des Saarlandes, Mai 2007, Homburg / Saar. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Stabilisierende Operationen an der Wirbelsäule bei schwerer Osteoporose. Österreichisches Osteoporoseforum, Mai 2007, St. Wolfgang . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) TLIF Technik. Degenerativer lumbaler Kadaver Kurs, März 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Lumbale Bandscheibenprothesen. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2007) Indication for cages in spine surgery. Anterior spine access course, November 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Prodisc L – surgical technique. Access and lumbar spine arthroplasty course Vienna, Juni 2007, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Ballon kyphoplasty – indications and treatment. University of Conception, Clinic for Neurosurgery, Conception, November 2007, Chile. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Indication for lumbar spine arthroplasty. Access and lumbar spine arthroplasty course Vienna, Juni 2007, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Vertebroplastie und Kyphoplastie. Weiterbildung, Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Kyphos – Trainings Course. University, September 2007, Istanbul. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Fusion techniques in osteoporosis. AO Spine Future Seminar , November 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Die Knochendichtemessung. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2007) Prodisc C: Surgical technique and clinical outcome. Cervical spine arthroplasty course Hangzhou, März 2007, University Hospital Hangzhoz. Hangzhou, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Garoscio, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A and Ogon, M (2007) Is There an Indication for Prophylactic Stabilization of Vertebral Fractures with Balloon Kyphoplasty? CORR (458). 83 - 89. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Bartl, R, Falkner, E and Eder, C (2007) Tissue engineering of the intervertebral disc: does donor pathology matter? Biospine 2, 2nd International Congress Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery, September 2007, Leipzig, Germany. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Biomechanical pull-out strength of different augmentation strategies in transpedicular screws. Eurospine , Oktober 2007, Brussels. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Chirurgische Therapieoptionen bei osteoporotischen Frakturen der Wirbelsäule und die Rolle des Allgemeinmediziners. Jahrestagung ÖGAM, Juni 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Materialien und Design in der WS – Chirurgie. AO Schwesternkurs, April 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Bildgebende Diagnostik der Wirbelsäule. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Aperius Operationskurs. Universität , September 2007, Salzburg. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Fusion or artificial disc? Cervical spine arthroplasty course Hangzhou , März 2007, University Hospital Hangzhoz, Hangzhou, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Fusion or artificial disc for symptomatic cervical disc disease. Total disc replacement European Conference. Evidence-based spine surgery?, März 2007, Marbella, Spain. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Results Prodisc-L. AO Synfix Course , März / November 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Kyphos – Trainings Course. University of Santiago, November 2007, Chile. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Minimal-invasive therapies in the treatment of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Clinica Alemana, November 2007, Santiago, Chile. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Einführung in die Röntgendiagnostik, phyiologische und pathologische Befunde des Bewegungsapparates. Weiterbildung, Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Neue minimal-invasive Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Versorgung der degenerativen lumbalen Spinalkanalstenose. Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der österreichischen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Oktober 2007, Hochrum. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Ballon-Kyphoplastie: Ein minimal invasives Verfahren zur Behandlung osteoporotischer Wirbelkörperfrakturen. Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der Ärzte der Pensionistenwohnheime , November 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Indikationen und Potential der Ballonkyphoplastie bei osteoporotischen Wirbelfrakturen. Unfallchirurgisches Kolloqium, Dezember 2007, Stade. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Kyphos. Trainings Course, company Helico, November 2007, Santiago, Chile. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Ballon-Kyphoplastie: Ein minimal invasives Verfahren zur Behandlung osteoporotischer Wirbelkörperfrakturen. Weiterbildungsveranstaltung Pensionistenwohnheim 4. Bezirk , September 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Knochenersatzmaterialien. AO Schwesternkurs, April 2007, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Chavanne, A, Kropik, K, Ogon, M and Redl, H (2007) Biomechanical pull-out strength of different augmentation strategies in transpedicular screws. Europ Spine J (16 (Su). p. 44. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Faculty Aperius Operationskurs. Universität , Mai 2007, Frankfurt. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J and Ogon, M (2007) Die Ostenekrose des Wirbelkörpers: Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapie mit Ballonkyphoplastie. J Miner Stoffwechs , 14 (1). 18 - 23. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Stabilisierende Eingriffe an der Wirbelsäule. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S (2007) Clinical results of lumbar spine arthroplasty in Speising. Access and lumbar spine arthroplasty course Vienna, Juni 2007, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schwesig, R, Kluttig, A, Lauenroth, A, Kubala, A, Brandt, J, Becker, S and Hottenrott, K (2007) Diagnostik des Sturzrisikos bei älteren Personen mit und ohne Osteoporose. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin (58(7-8). p. 243. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Indications for lumbar spine instrumentation. AO Synfix Course, März / November 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Pitfalls in spine arthroplasty surgery. Synthes Spine Expert Meeting, Februar 2007, Strudelhof, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2007) Indication for cervical disc arthroplasty. Cervical spine arthroplasty course Hangzhou , März 2007, University Hospital Hangzhoz, Hangzhou, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Bone Marrow Aspiration Kit – optimierte Technik zur Verbesserung der Fusionsrate. Synthes Lunch Workshop, ÖGO Jahrestagung , Juni 2007, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Howanietz, N, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S (2007) Implantation of the ProDisc intervertebral disk prosthesis for the lumbar spine. Oper Orthop Traumatol , 19 (2). 209 - 30. Item not available from this repository.

Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A, Becker, S and Ogon, M (2007) Patient based outcome after monosegmental fusion versus total disc arthroplasty – A matched-pairs cohort study. Eur Spine J (16(Sup). p. 203. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Überblick der Therapie mit Ballonkyphoplastie bei osteoporotischen, osteolytischen und traumatischen Wirbelkörperfrakturen. Fortbildung , Mai 2007, Krankenhaus Wien – Hietzing . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Meissner, J, Bretschneider, W, Bartl, R and Ogon, M (2007) Stabilisierende Operationen an der Wirbelsäule bei schwerer Osteoporose. Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel , 14 (3). 107 - 112. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Meury, T, Sprecher, C, Alini, M and Wilke, I (2007) Osteopromotion with a plasmatransglutaminase on a ß-TCP ceramic. J Mater Sci Mater Med. (41465). p. 2. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2007) Indicationen Arthroplastie. AOSpine anterior spine surgery course , September 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Rationals, indications and potential of balloon kyphoplasty. 18th meeting of the Chilean Orthopaedic Association, Viña del Mar , November 2007, Chile. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Materialien und Design in der WS – Chirurgie. Weiterbildung , Juni 2007, Neuroorthopädisches Zentrum für Physiotherapie Leipzig. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2007) Die Nukleoplastie. Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der österreichischen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, Oktober 2007, Hochrum. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2007) Clinical results of Prodisc TDR. Cervical spine arthroplasty course Beijing, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2007) Kyphos – Trainings Course. University, September 2007, Ankara. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2007) Results of Prodisc L. Lumbar spine cadaver course. Anterior access and instrumentation, März 2007, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2007) Review of live surgery Beijing. Cervical spine arthroplasty course Beijing, März 2007, Science Park, Beijing, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.


Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Becker, P (2006) Prodisc C – clinical experience. Prodisc C User Meeting Munich, November 2006, Munich, Germany. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Cervical total disc replacement. 1th International Summit Forum of Orthopaedics, 9th Central South China Region Conference on Orthopaedics, Oktober 2006, Wuhan, China . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Kyphoplasty – An overview. International spine symposium SINCOL, August 2006, Rio de Janeiro . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schwesig, R, Lauenroth, A, Müller, A, Becker, S and Hottenrott, K (2006) Parametrisierung posturaler Subsysteme mit Posturografie. Manuelle Medizin (44 (5)). 376 - 384 . Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Technik der Kyphoplastie. In: Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer, 66 - 76. ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Synthes bone marrow initiative workshop. Synthes workshop, September 2006, Sydney. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) • Die Ballon – Kyphoplastie, ein minimal-invasives Verfahren bei Wirbelkörperfrakturen / - destruktionen. Bezirksärztefortbildung 13. / 14. Bezirk, März 2006, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M (2006) The reason for prophylactic mulitsegmental stabilisation of osteoporotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty. Osteoporos Int 2006 17 (suppl 2):126 (17 (su). p. 126. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Meissner, J, Tuschel, A, Chavanne, A and Becker, S (2006) Die Bandscheibenprothese an der Halswirbelsäule. J Miner Stoffwechs , 13 (1). 14 - 17. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Heini, PF and Ogon, M (2006) Epidemiologie der Osteoporose. In: Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer, 3 - 9 . ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Synthes bone marrow initiative workshop. Synthes workshop , September 2006, Perth. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Kyphoplastie / Vertebroplastie. Süddeutscher Orthopädenkongress , Mai 2006, Baden-Baden. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Rahn, B, Meury, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I (2006) Autologous alternatives in bone healing: Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase (F XIII). 15th Indonesia Orthopaedic Association meeting joint with ASEAN Orthopaedic Association Meeting, September 2006, Bali. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Meissner, J (2006) Zervikale Prothese: Radiologische Ergebnisse nach der Implantation. Iatros (2). 14 - 17. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Indikationen und Erfahrungen der Kyphoplastie bei Osteoporose, Trauma und Tumoren. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern, April 2006, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Schwesig, R, Lauenroth, A, Becker, S and Hottenrott, K (2006) Das posturale System in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Geschlecht. Manuelle Medizin (44(5) ). 385 - 390. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Interspinouse spacers. AOSpine Lecture Tour Yokohama, Juni 2006, Yokohama, Japan. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Synthes bone marrow initiative workshop. Synthes workshop, September 2006, Brisbane. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Becker, S (2006) Indication for anterior lumbar interbody fusion. Cadaver Surgical Access, Dissection and Technique Course, November 2006, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Die Kyphoplastie, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bei Trauma und Tumoren. Fortbildung Landesklinikum Weinviertel, Januar 2006, Mistelbach. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Applications for resorbable bone matrices in spine and trauma. 15th Indonesia Orthopaedic Association meeting joint with ASEAN Orthopaedic Association Meeting, September 2006, Bali. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M (2006) Die osteonekrotische Fraktur des Wirbelkörpers. Adjutum Orthopädie Wirbelsäule (3). 4 - 6. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M (2006) Activation and injectability assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive - osteogenic bone substitute. International Conference on Progress in Bone and Mineral Research, November 2006, Wien. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M (2006) Activation and biomechanical assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive – osteogenic bone substitute. European Cells and Materials (11 (Su). p. 31. Item not available from this repository.

Bartl, R (2006) Die Bandscheibenprothese als segmenterhaltendes Verfahren in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Bezirksärztetreffen, Februar, April, November 2006, Wien und Göttlesbrunn. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Franz, K, Wilke, I and Ogon, M (2006) Osteopromotive capacities of injectable resorbable calcium-phosphate cements. International Conference on Progress in Bone and Mineral Research, November 2006, Wien. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2006) Minimal-invasive decompression and fusion in degenerative spondylolisthesis with spinal stenosis. AOSpine Lecture Tour Yokohama, Juni 2006, Yokohama, Japan. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) THR in paraplegic patients with periarticular ossification. 3rd international minimal invasive arthroplasty course, November 2006, Rochester, UK. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) J. Principles of management: Degenerative stenosis. AOSpine Seminar Guangzhou, Oktober 2006, Guangzhou, China . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) About the osteogenetic potential of bone marrow - the Synthes bone marrow initiative. Synthes training course, September 2006, Brisbane. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Tuschel, A (2006) Revisionschirurgie an der Lendenwirbelsäule. Gmundener Wirbelsäulensymposium, Juni 2006, Gmunden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Indikationen und Potential der Ballonkyphoplastie bei osteoporotischen Wirbelfrakturen. J Miner Stoffwechs (Sonder). p. 6. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Das venöse Drainagesystem des Wirbelkörpers und der Wirbelsäule und seine Konsequenzen auf die Kyphoplastie. In: Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer, 61 - 64 . ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Kyphoplastie bei Osteoporose, wer, wann, warum? Österreichisches Osteoporoseforum , Mai 2006, St. Wolfgang. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Erfahrungen mit F XIII in der orthopädischen Chirurgie. ZLB Behring Weiterbildung, Dezember 2006, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Kyphoplasty. Kyphoplasty Operation Course, April 2006, Leiden, Netherlands. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M (2006) The minimal-invasive treatment of osteonecrosis in osteoporotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty. Osteoporos Int (17 (su). p. 119. Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Die AOSpine International. Kadaverkurs: SynFix LR and SynCage LR, Juni 2006, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) About the osteogenetic potential of bone marrow - the Synthes bone marrow initiative. Synthes training course , September 2006, Melbourne. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Minimal-invasive decompression and fusion surgery at the lumbar spine. AOSpine Local Seminar Tokio, Juni 2006, Tokio, Japan. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Tuschel, A and Meissner, J (2006) Die Bandscheibenprothese an der Lendenwirbelsäule: Indikation, Technik, Ergebnisse. Fortbildungsveranstaltung Orthopädie am Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum Berlin, November 2006, Berlin, Deutschland. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M (2006) The reason for prophylactic multisegmental stabilisation of osteoporotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty. IOF, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2006) Principles of management: Fusion or arthificial disc. AOSpine Seminar Guangzhou, Oktober 2006, Guangzhou, China . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A, Meissner, J, Chavanne, A and Ogon, M (2006) The minimal-invasive treatment of osteonecrosis in osteoporotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty. IOF, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Autologous Possibilities for Osteopromotion - the Synthes Bone Marrow Initiative. Synthes training course, September 2006, Singapore. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Garoscio, M and Ogon, M (2006) Indications for prophylactic stabilizations with kyphoplasty after osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Maissen, O, Pononmarev, I, Stoll, T, Rahn, B and Wilke, I (2006) Osteopromotion by a ß-TCP / bone marrow hybrid implant for use in spine surgery. Spine, 31 (1). 31(1):11 - 17 . Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Stellenwert der Ballonkyphoplastie bei traumatischen Frakturen. Symposium der Universität Heidelberg “Kyphoplastie – Aktueller Stand und Perspektiven, Juli 2006, Heidelberg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M, Chavanne, A, Meissner, J and Becker, S (2006) Bandscheibenprothesen an der HWS. Wirbelsäulensymposium der AO-ÖGU, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthesefragen - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie, März 2006, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Die Nukleoplastie. Weiterbildungsreihe der Physiotherapieschule Bad Sulza, April 2006, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) About the osteogenetic potential of bone marrow - the Synthes bone marrow initiative. Synthes training course , September 2006, Perth. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) About the osteogenetic potential of bone marrow - the Synthes bone marrow initiative. Synthes training course , September 2006, Sydney. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S and Ogon, M, eds. (2006) Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer. ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Heini, PF and Ogon, M (2006) Klinik und Mortalitätsrisiko der osteoporotischen Wirbelfraktur. In: Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer, 35 - 38. ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Bartl, R, Bretschneider, W, Meissner, J and Ogon, M (2006) Stufentherapie bei osteoporotischer Wirbelfraktur. J Miner Stoffwechs (13 (1)). 27 - 28. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M (2006) Activation and biomechanical assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive – osteogenic bone substitute. GRIBOI Meeting, März 2006, Bern. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Bone grafts and bone marrow. Synthes General Manager Meeting, Februar 2006, Are, Schweden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Kyphoplasty. Kyphoplasty Operation Course, November 2006, Salzburg. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Le potentiel osteogénétique de la moelle osseuse. Synthes company training, August 2006, Paris. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Therapieupdate 2006 – der Bandscheibenschaden des Sportlers. 16. Internationales Sportmedizinisches Symposium Insel Reichenau, Oktober 2006, Insel Reichenau, Bodensee, Deutschland. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Künstliche Bandscheibe – semirigide Fixation. Wirbelsäulenchirurgie Workshop mit praktischen Übungen Graz. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, September 2006, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Principles of management: Fusion or artificial disc in cervical spine surgery. Xiamen AOSpine Seminar, Oktober 2006, Xiamen, China, . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Stabilisierende Eingriffe an der Wirbelsäule. Weiterbildungsreihe der Physiotherapieschule Bad Sulza, April 2006, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Degenerative Spondylolisthesis. When and how to operate. AOSpine Seminar Chiba, Juni 2006, Mitsui Garden Hotel Chiba. Chiba, Japan . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Outcome of Prodisc L arthroplasty. LISS (Less Invasive Spine Surgery) Symposium Bern, Februar 2006, Bern, Schweiz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Outcome of Prodisc L arthroplasty surgery – clinical experience in Vienna Speising. Access and lumbar spine arthroplasty course Vienna , März 2006, Vienna. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Eder, C (2006) Natürlicher Verlauf der Bandscheibendegeneration. 2. AOSpine Wirbelsäulenseminar, Charite Berlin, April 2006, Berlin. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Franz, K, Wilke, I and Ogon, M (2006) Injectable bone cements in the treatment of spinal fractures, osteopromotive capacity and surgical considerations. GRIBOI Meeting, März 2006, Bern. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) The rationale of Bone Marrow Perfusion as osteopromotive fusion enhancement. Synthes workshop Eurospine: Osteopromotive hybrid Solutions in Interbody Fusion, Oktober 2006, Istanbul. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S and Ogon, M (2006) Spezielle Kyphoplastietechnik bei Auslockerung eines Fixateur internes und bei Wirbeldefekten. In: Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer, 103 - 107. ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Boecken, I, Bohner, M, Bigolin, G and Alini, M (2006) Activation and biomechanical assessment of an injectable hybrid osteoconductive – osteogenic bone substitute. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Biomaterials, April 2006, Davos. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Indikationen, Kontraindikationen und bildtechnische Untersuchungen. In: Ballonkyphoplastie. Springer, 56 - 60 . ISBN 3-211-23592-2 Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Potentiel de la moelle osseuse. Synthes Workshop, September 2006, Paris. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Indikationen und Erfahrungen der Kyphoplastie bei Osteoporose, Trauma und Tumoren. Fortbildung Landesklinikum St. Pölten, März 2006, St. Pölten. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Meissner, J and Ogon, M (2006) Die bilaterale Dekompression bei lumbaler Spinalkanalstenose auf unilateralem transspinalem Wege. Orthopädie (3). 8 - 13. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Die Kyphoplastie, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bei Osteoporose, Trauma und Tumoren. Kyphon Weiterbildung SMZ Ost, Oktober 2006, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Indications for total disc replacement, Op technique and pitfalls. Xiamen AOSpine Seminar, Oktober 2006, Xiamen, China. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Tuschel, A and Ogon, M (2006) Minimal-invasive stabilization of osteonecrotic vertebral fractures with kyphoplasty. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Mai 2006, Toronto. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Kyphoplasty – new trends. International spine symposium SINCOL, August 2006, Rio de Janeiro. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) TLIF (Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion). LISS (Less Invasive Spine Surgery) Symposium Bern, Februar 2006, Bern, Schweiz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Maissen, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoll, T, Rahn, B, Meury, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I (2006) Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase (F XIII). Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Juni 2006, Toronto. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M and Meissner, J (2006) Decompression and fusion: PLIF or TLIF, conventional surgery or MISS using MIRA. AOSpine Seminar Guangzhou, Oktober 2006, Guangzhou, China . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Garoscio, M and Ogon, M (2006) Does prophylactic kyphoplasty of adjacent levels reduce the postoperative fracture risk in osteoporotic fractures. JBJS Br proceedings (88-b). p. 150. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Franz, K, Wilke, I and Ogon, M (2006) Osteopromotive capacities of injectable resorbable calcium – phosphate cements. Bone (39,5). p. 30. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Franz, K, Wilke, I and Ogon, M (2006) Injectable bone cements in the treatment of spinal fractures, osteopromotive capacity and surgical considerations. European Cells and Materials (11 (Su). p. 1. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, Stephan (2006) Synthes bone marrow initiative workshop. Synthes workshop , September 2006, Melbourne. [Vorsitz] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Advantages and disadvantages of minimal-invasive lumbar spine surgery. International spine symposium SINCOL, August 2006, Rio de Janeiro . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Meissner, J, Bartl, R, Bretschneider, W and Ogon, M (2006) Preliminary results with modified techniques of balloon kyphoplasty for vertebra plana, traumatic fractures and neoplasms. Acta Orthop. Belg. (72). 187 - 193. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S and Ganger, R (2006) Einsatz autologer-osteopromotiver Verfahren bei Pseudarthrosen der Extremitäten. Interdisziplinäre und interprofessionelle Konferenz in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung e.V. Erkrankungen, die keiner will: ''Extremitätenverlust, April 2006, Bottrop. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Indications for total disc replacement. AOSpine Seminar Guangzhou, Oktober 2006, Guangzhou, China . [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2006) Tassements vertébraux – Kyphoplastie. Rachis - 9ème Journée d'orthopédie des Cliniques du Sud Luxembourg, Oktober 2006, Arlon, Belgien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S, Meury, T, Alini, M, Stoll, T and Wilke, I (2006) Alternatives to growth factors: stimulation of osteoblasts in vitro und in vivo with a plasmatransglutaminase for spinal fusions. Eurospine, Oktober 2006, Istanbul. [Poster] Item not available from this repository.

Ogon, M (2006) Mini battle:Fusion or arthroplasty: Pro arthroplasty. LISS (Less Invasive Spine Surgery) Symposium Bern,, Februar 2006, Bern, Schweiz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.


Becker, St (2005) Thromboseprophylaxe bei Wirbelsäuleneingriff. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift (02.07.). 24 - 26. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Advances in surgical treatment of osteoporotic fractures. Hospital Virgen de las Nievas, Mai 2005, Granada. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Experiences with ChronOS inject - clinical results and basic research. Synthes ChronOS Meeting, Februar 2005, Zürich. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Surgical treatmentof osteoporotic vertebral fractures, technical and clinical aspects. EULAR, Juni 2005, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, St (2005) Vertebroplastie und Kyphoplastie in der Therapie osteoporotischer Wirbelfrakturen. Der Facharzt Orthopädie (2). 12 - 14. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Does prophylactic kyphoplasty of adjacent levels reduce the postoperative fracture risk in osteoporotic fractures? EFORT, Juni 2005, Lissabon. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) The role of prophylactic kyphoplasty. FIRST-Meeting, Juni 2005, Kopenhagen. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) A reasoned approach to vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. AOSPINE Masterclass Controversies Seminar, Juni 2005, St.Emilion. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, St, Maisson, O, Ponomarev, I, Stoo, TB, Rahn, T, Alini, M and Wilke, I (2005) Osteopromotion by a calcium phosphate cement and an osteogenetic transglutaminase. Europ Spine J (14. Ja). p. 58. Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Potentials and advanced indications for kyphoplasty in orthopaedics and traumatology. Promis meeting, Jänner 2005, Ghent. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Vertebral trauma - biomechanics, classification and treatment. Trauma teaching Course, Kyphon Inc., April 2005, Brüssel. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, S (2005) Pathophysiology of osteoporosis: Treatment and prognosis. AOSPINE Masterclass Controversies Seminar, Juni 2005, St. Emilion. [Vortrag, Vorlesung] Item not available from this repository.

Becker, St, Garoscio, M and Ogon, M (2005) The role of prophylactic stabilisation of osteoporotic compression fractures. Europ Spine J (14. Ja). 10 - 11. Item not available from this repository.

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