Allgemeinchirurgie mit Viszeralchirurgie

Group by: Date | Item Type | Creators Browse ID
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Number of items at this level: 392.


Lorenzen, Sylvie, Götze, Thorsten Oliver, Thuss-Patience, Peter, Biebl, Matthias, Homann, Nils, Schenk, Michael, Lindig, Udo, Heuer, Vera, Kretzschmar, Albrecht, Goekkurt, Eray, Haag, Georg Martin, Riera-Knorrenschild, Jorge, Bolling, Claus, Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter, Zhan, Tianzuo, Angermeier, Stefan, Ettrich, Thomas Jens, Siebenhuener, Alexander Reinhard, Elshafei, Moustafa, Bechstein, Wolf Otto, Gaiser, Timo, Loose, Maria, Sookthai, Disorn, Kopp, Christina, Pauligk, Claudia and Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin (2024) Perioperative Atezolizumab Plus Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin, and Docetaxel for Resectable Esophagogastric Cancer: Interim Results From the Randomized, Multicenter, Phase II/III DANTE/IKF-s633 Trial. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 42 (4). pp. 410-420. ISSN 1527-7755

Wimmer, Kerstin, Hlauschek, Dominik, Balic, Marija, Pfeiler, Georg, Singer, Christian F, Halper, Stefan, Steger, Günther, Suppan, Christoph, Gampenrieder, Simon P, Helfgott, Ruth, Egle, Daniel, Filipits, Martin, Jakesz, Raimund, Sölkner, Lidija, Fesl, Christian, Gnant, Michael, Fitzal, Florian and Greil, Richard (2024) Is the CTS5 a helpful decision-making tool in the extended adjuvant therapy setting? Breast cancer research and treatment. ISSN 1573-7217


Biebl, Matthias (2023) Kolorektale Lebermetastasen – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Innsbrucker Lebertag. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Präklinische und erste klinische Erfahrung mit Trisect rapide. Kundenevent Firma Erbe. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Perioperative Konzepte beim Oesophagus Karzinom. BÖC. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Pimingstorfer, Philipp, Biebl, Matthias, Gregus, Matus, Kurz, Franz, Schoefl, Rainer, Shamiyeh, Andreas, Spaun, Georg O, Ziachehabi, Alexander and Fuegger, Reinhold (2023) Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract and the Need for Rescue Surgery-A Multicenter Analysis. Journal of clinical medicine, 12 (21). ISSN 2077-0383

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Oligometastasierungskonzept bei Magentumoren – Leber, Lunge, Peritoneum - was macht wann wie Sinn? Aco Asso. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Neues aus der chirurgischen "CED Trickkiste“. ÖCCO. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Hybrid, MIC oder Robotik - Beeinflusst mehr Technik die operativen Ergebnisse? Chirurgie Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Kongress der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Roboterchirurgie. Kongress in Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Transplantation heute und morgen. OSIN. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Çetinkaya-Hosgör, Candan, Seika, Philippa, Raakow, Jonas, Kröll, Dino, Dobrindt, Eva Maria, Maurer, Max Magnus, Martin, Friederike, Ossami Saidy, Ramin Raul, Thuss-Patience, Peter, Pratschke, Johann, Biebl, Matthias and Denecke, Christian (2023) Textbook Outcome after Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer Is Associated with Improved Overall and Disease-Free Survival. Journal of clinical medicine, 12 (16). ISSN 2077-0383

Meierhofer, Clara, Fuegger, Reinhold, Biebl, Matthias and Schoefl, Rainer (2023) Pancreatic Fistulas: Current Evidence and Strategy-A Narrative Review. Journal of clinical medicine, 12 (15). ISSN 2077-0383

Meierhofer, Clara, Fuegger, Reinhold, Spaun, Georg O, Wundsam, Helwig Valentin, Kirchweger, Patrick, Biebl, Matthias and Schoefl, Rainer (2023) Endoscopic Transmural Therapy of Pancreatic Fistulas in an Interdisciplinary Setting-A Retrospective Data Analysis. Journal of clinical medicine, 12 (13). ISSN 2077-0383

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Anastomosentechniken im Upper-GI. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Gastrektomie – wann robotisch? Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) TAMIS. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Transperitoneale Zugänge zu den Viszeralarterien in der Abdominalchirurgie. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Interdisziplinäre Fallplanung bei retroperitonealen Sarkomen. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Wie marginal darf ein Spendeorgan sein? Niere Transplantation. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Komplikation in der Endoskopie - Aus Sicht des Chirurgen. Endo Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Chirurgisch-Endoskopische Hybrideingriffe. Endo Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Robotik in der Viszeralchirurgie. Rotary Enns. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Interdisziplinäres Tumorboard – Fallbeispiele. OeGHO- & AHOP-Frühjahrstagung 2023. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Beltran-Bless, Ana-Alicia, Clemons, Mark J, Fesl, Christian, Greil, Richard, Pond, Gregory R, Balic, Marija, Vandermeer, Lisa, Bjelic-Radisic, Vesna, Singer, Christian F, Steger, Guenther G, Helfgott, Ruth, Egle, Daniel, Sölkner, Lidija, Gampenrieder, Simon P, Kacerovsky-Strobl, Stephanie, Suppan, Christoph, Ritter, Magdalena, Rinnerthaler, Gabriel, Pfeiler, Georg, Fohler, Hannes, Hlauschek, Dominik, Hilton, John and Gnant, Michael (2023) Does the number of 6-monthly adjuvant zoledronate infusions received affect treatment efficacy for early breast cancer? A sub-study of ABCSG-12. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 180. pp. 108-116. ISSN 1879-0852

Biebl, Matthias (2023) Laparoscopic and Open HPB Surgery. Masterclass Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Helfgott, Ruth (2023) Aktuelle Therapiekonzepte der Axilla. Fokus Chirurgie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Acko, Markus (2023) Aktuelles zum chirurgischen Axillamanagement. Chirurgie Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2023) Bilder, Bilder, Bilder (interventionelle Endoskopie). Postgraduiertenkurs Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Acko, Markus (2023) Chirurgisches Management der Axilla im post-neoadjuvanten-Setting. Mammaforum 2023. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Tatalovic, Stefan (2023) Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) dynamics predict early response to treatment in mGEC after 2 weeks of systemic treatment. Aco Asso. [Poster]

Roth, Nadina, Rösch, Christiane Sophie, Krause, Axel, Kalteis, Manfred, Enkner, Wolfgang, Haller, Maria, Cejka, Daniel, Függer, Reinhold and Biebl, Matthias (2023) Coping with a lack of evidence: living-donor kidney transplantation in the initial phase of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. European surgery : ACA : Acta chirurgica Austriaca, 55 (1). pp. 31-35. ISSN 1682-8631

Helfgott, Ruth (2023) Die genetische Testung bei familiärem Mammakarzinom – Indikationsstellung und Konsequenzen. Bra Day. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Helfgott, Ruth (2023) Die neoadj.Therapie und ihre Herausforderungen für die Brustchirurgie. Chirurgie Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2023) EUS in altered anatomy and GOO (gastric outlet obstruction). LAMS Expert Meeting Lausanne. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2023) Endographische Interventionen. ISDS. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Fritz, A. (2023) Erfolgreiches endoskopisches Management (EndoVAC) einer schweren Schlauchmageninsuffizienz nach Ösophagusresektion. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Poster]

Spaun, Georg (2023) Hepatobiliäre Interventionen. Fortbildung Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Jung, Jin-On, de Groot, Eline M., Kingma, B. Feike, Babic, Benjamin, Ruurda, Jelle P., Grimminger, Peter P., Hölzen, Jens P., Chao, Yin-Kai, Haveman, Jan W., van Det, Marc J., Rouanet, Philippe, Benedix, Frank, Li, Hecheng, Sarkaria, Inderpal, van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I., van Boxel, Gijs I., Chiu, Philip, Egberts, Jan-Hendrik, Sallum, Rubens, Immanuel, Arul, Turner, Paul, Low, Donald E., Hubka, Michal, Perez, Daniel, Strignano, Paolo, Biebl, Matthias, Chaudry, M. Asif, Bruns, Christiane J., van Hillegersberg, Richard and Fuchs, Hans F. (2023) Hybrid laparoscopic versus fully robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy: an international propensity-score matched analysis of perioperative outcome. Surgical Endoscopy, 37 (6). pp. 4466-4477. ISSN 0930-2794

Spaun, Georg (2023) Interventionelle Endoskopie. ÖCK. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Hackl, Dominik (2023) Intraoperatives Neuromonitoring bei Schilddrüseneingriffen und Beatmung mittels Tritube. Österreichischer Anästhesiekongress. [Poster]

Spaun, Georg (2023) Lumen-apposing metal stents - advanced indications. IAS Düsseldorf. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Gerdes, Stephan, Schoppmann, Sebastian F., Bonavina, Luigi, Boyle, Nicholas, Müller-Stich, Beat P., Gutschow, Christian A., Gisbertz, Suzanne Sarah, Köckerling, Ferdinand, Lehmann, Thorsten G., Lorenz, Dietmar, Granderath, Frank Alexander, Rosati, Riccardo, Wullstein, Christoph, Lundell, Lars, Cheong, Edward, Nafteux, Philippe, Olmi, Stefano, Mönig, Stefan, Biebl, Matthias, Leers, Jessica, Zehetner, Joerg, Kristo, Ivan, Berrisford, Richard George, Skrobić, Ognjan M., Simić, Aleksandar P., Pera, Manuel, Grimminger, Peter Philipp, Gockel, Ines, Zarras, Konstantinos, Nieuwenhuijs, Vincent Bernard, Gossage, James A., van Berge Henegouwen, Mark i., Stein, Hubert J., Markar, Sheraz R., Hueting, Willem Eduard, Targarona, Eduardo M., Johansson, Jan, Macaulay, Graeme D., Wijnhoven, Bas P.L., Benedix, Frank, Attwood, Stephen E., Hölscher, Arnulf Heinrich, Priego, Pablo, Fuchs, Karl-Hermann, Luyer, Misha D.P., Griffiths, Ewen A., Søvik, Torgeir Thorson, Theodorou, Dimitrios, Sgromo, Bruno, Salo, Jarmo A., Singhal, Rishi, Thorell, Anders, Zaninotto, Giovanni, Bitenc, Marko, D’journo, Xavier Benoit, Fullarton, Grant M. and Horbach, Thomas (2023) Management of paraesophageal hiatus hernia: recommendations following a European expert Delphi consensus. Surgical Endoscopy, 37 (6). pp. 4555-4565. ISSN 0930-2794

Fritz, A. (2023) Metastases from other organs as rare histological finding in thyroid surgery. Aco Asso. [Poster]

Fritz, A. (2023) Nur Hämorrhoiden? Ein seltener blutender Tumor und tödliches Chamäleon. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Poster]

Spaun, Georg (2023) Pushing the limits. Endo Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Surci, Niccolò, Rösch, Christiane, Kirchweger, Patrick, Havranek, Lukas, von Boetticher, Paul, Fischer, Ines, Wundsam, Helwig, Biebl, Matthias and Függer, Reinhold (2023) The Rate of Avoidable Pancreatic Resections at a High-Volume Center: An Internal Quality Control and Critical Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12 (4). p. 1625. ISSN 2077-0383

Doleschal, Bernhard, Kirchweger, Patrick, Schwendinger, Simon, Kupferthaler, Alexander, Burghofer, Jonathan, Webersinke, Gerald, Jukic, Emina, Wundsam, Helwig, Biebl, Matthias, Petzer, Andreas and Rumpold, Holger (2023) Response prediction by mutation- or methylation-specific detection of ctDNA dynamics in pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer. Therapeutic advances in medical oncology, 15. p. 17588359231200462. ISSN 1758-8340

Hackl, Dominik (2023) Stellenwert der Sternotomie zur Behandlung der intrathorakalen Struma. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Danhel, Lorenz (2023) Verlorene Gallensteine bei der laparoskopischen Cholezystektomie – eine unterschätzte Komplikation. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Acko, Markus (2023) Wenn Brustkrebs in den Genen liegt. Brust Patientennenabend. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2023) Ösophageale ESD. BÖC Baden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Seika, Philippa, Biebl, Matthias, Raakow, Jonas, Kröll, Dino, Çetinkaya-Hosgör, Candan, Thuss-Patience, Peter, Maurer, Max Magnus, Dobrindt, Eva Maria, Pratschke, Johann and Denecke, Christian (2022) The Learning Curve for Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy in Gastric Cancer Patients. Journal of clinical medicine, 11 (22). ISSN 2077-0383

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Upper GI - wohin geht die Reise? BÖC. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) What does the Surgeon needs from the Pathologist?”. Diagnostic Pathology of Pancreato-Biliary Diseases. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Wie marginal darf ein Spenderorgan sein? Austrotransplant. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Konkrete Hilfe bei Tabuthemen 2. Onkologie für die Praxis. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Z.n. Darmresektion, LARS, Stuhlinkontinenz, Stomata. Herbstagung Gynäkologie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Onkologische, robotisch-assistierte Chirurgie des oberen Gastrointestinaltrakts: Einblick und Ausblick. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Roboterchirurgie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Minimalinvasive Hemihepatektomie. Aco Asso. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Epping, Hendrik, Ziachehabi, Alexander, Spaun, Georg, Wewalka, Friedrich, Maieron, Andreas and Schöfl, Rainer (2022) Flexible diverticulotomy for Zenker's diverticulum - a bicentric study. Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie, 60 (9). pp. 1320-1325. ISSN 1439-7803

Armbrust, R, Chekerov, R, Sander, S, Biebl, M, Chopra, S, Krell, Jonathan, Rinne, Natasha, Nixon, Katherine, Fotopoulou, C and Sehouli, J (2022) Correction to: Surgery due to mechanical bowel obstruction in relapsed ovarian cancer: clinical and surgical results of a bicentric analysis of 87 patients. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 306 (1). pp. 291-292. ISSN 1432-0711

Fuchs, Hans F, Collins, Justin W, Babic, Benjamin, DuCoin, Christopher, Meireles, Ozanan R, Grimminger, Peter P, Read, Matthew, Abbas, Abbas, Sallum, Rubens, Müller-Stich, Beat P, Perez, Daniel, Biebl, Matthias, Egberts, Jan-Hendrik, van Hillegersberg, Richard and Bruns, Christiane J (2022) Robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) for esophageal cancer training curriculum-a worldwide Delphi consensus study. Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, 35 (6). ISSN 1442-2050

Schmidt, Mona W, Haney, Caelan M, Kowalewski, Karl-Friedrich, Bintintan, Vasile V, Abu Hilal, Mohammed, Arezzo, Alberto, Bahra, Marcus, Besselink, Marc G, Biebl, Matthias, Boni, Luigi, Diana, Michele, Egberts, Jan H, Fischer, Lars, Francis, Nader, Hashimoto, Daniel A, Perez, Daniel, Schijven, Marlies, Schmelzle, Moritz, Soltes, Marek, Swanstrom, Lee, Welsch, Thilo, Müller-Stich, Beat P and Nickel, Felix (2022) Development and validity evidence of an objective structured assessment of technical skills score for minimally invasive linear-stapled, hand-sewn intestinal anastomoses: the A-OSATS score. Surgical endoscopy, 36 (6). pp. 4529-4541. ISSN 1432-2218

Mittermair, Christof, Weiss, Michael, Schirnhofer, Jan, Brunner, Eberhard, Obrist, Christian, Biebl, Matthias, Hell, Tobias and Weiss, Helmut (2022) Dual trocar laparoscopy improves reduced-port surgery of the distal pancreas. Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy, 31 (5). pp. 753-759. ISSN 1365-2931

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Präkanzerosen im Pankreas. ISDS. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Pankreasläsionen abseits des Adenokarzinoms. Endo Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Vortrag: Neues aus der CED Chirurgie. Bilogika Circle. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Winter, A, Maurer, M M, Schmelzle, M, Malinka, T, Biebl, M, Fikatas, P, Kröll, D, Sauer, I M, Hippler-Benscheidt, M, Pratschke, J and Chopra, S (2022) [Digital documentation of complications in visceral surgery: possibilities and evaluation of an instrument for quality management]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 93 (4). pp. 381-387. ISSN 1433-0385

Gampenrieder, Simon P, Pircher, Magdalena, Fesl, Christian, Rinnerthaler, Gabriel, Mlineritsch, Brigitte, Greil-Ressler, Sigrun, Steger, Günther G, Sagaster, Verena, Fitzal, Florian, Exner, Ruth, Devyatko, Yelena, Balic, Marija, Stöger, Herbert, Suppan, Christoph, Bauernhofer, Thomas, Singer, Christian F, Pfeiler, Georg, Seifert, Michael, Helfgott, Ruth, Heck, Dietmar, Rumpold, Holger, Kwasny, Werner, Wieder, Ursula, Gnant, Michael and Greil, Richard (2022) Influence of Height on Risk and Outcome of Patients with Early Breast Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of 4,925 Patients from 5 Randomized Trials of the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group (ABCSG). Breast care (Basel, Switzerland), 17 (2). pp. 137-145. ISSN 1661-3791

Armbrust, R, Chekerov, R, Sander, S, Biebl, M, Chopra, S, Krell, Jonathan, Rinne, Natasha, Nixon, Katherine, Fotopoulou, C and Sehouli, J (2022) Surgery due to mechanical bowel obstruction in relapsed ovarian cancer: clinical and surgical results of a bicentric analysis of 87 patients. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 305 (4). pp. 963-968. ISSN 1432-0711

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Weichteilsarkome, Retroperetoneale Sarkome. Interdisz. onkologisches Symposium. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Fitzal, Florian, Bolliger, Michael, Dunkler, Daniela, Geroldinger, Angelika, Gambone, Luca, Heil, Jörg, Riedel, Fabian, de Boniface, Jana, Andre, Camilla, Matrai, Zoltan, Pukancsik, Dávid, Paulinelli, Regis R, Ostapenko, Valerijus, Burneckis, Arvydas, Ostapenko, Andrej, Ostapenko, Edvin, Meani, Francesco, Harder, Yves, Bonollo, Marta, Alberti, Andrea S M, Tausch, Christoph, Papassotiropoulos, Bärbel, Helfgott, Ruth, Heck, Dietmar, Fehrer, Hans-Jörg, Acko, Markus, Schrenk, Peter, Trapp, Elisabeth K, Gunda, Pristauz-Telsnigg, Clara, Paliczek, Montagna, Giacomo, Ritter, Mathilde, Blohmer, Jens-Uwe, Steffen, Sander, Romics, Laszlo, Morrow, Elizabeth, Lorenz, Katharina, Fehr, Mathias and Weber, Walter Paul (2022) Retrospective, Multicenter Analysis Comparing Conventional with Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Surgery: Oncological and Surgical Outcomes in Women with High-Risk Breast Cancer from the OPBC-01/iTOP2 Study. Annals of surgical oncology, 29 (2). pp. 1061-1070. ISSN 1534-4681

Hofmann, Tobias, Matthias, Biebl, Knitter, Sebastian, Fehrenbach, Uli, Chopra, Sascha, Cetinkaya-Hosgor, Candan, Raakow, Jonas, Seika, Philippa, Langer, Rupert, Pratschke, Johann, Christian, Denecke and Kröll, Dino (2022) A 25 mm Circular Stapler Anastomosis Is Associated with Higher Anastomotic Leakage Rates Following Minimally Invasive Ivor Lewis Operation. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (23). p. 7177. ISSN 2077-0383

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Anästhesiologische Aspekte aus Sicht der Chirurgen. IDBM 2022, Innsbruck. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Avoiding faiure-to-rescue following esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: EndoVac as successful concept to reduce in hospital mortality (. Aco Asso 2022. [Poster]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Avoiding faiure-to-rescue following esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: Preventive EndoVac as successful concept to reduce in hospital mortality (. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Benchmarking Esophagectomy: High volume leads to low complication and mortality rates. Performance indicators of 20 years of experience. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Benchmarking Esophagectomy: High volume leads to low complication and mortality rates. Performance indicators of 20 years of experience. Aco Asso 2022. [Poster]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) as a precision medicine marker in pancreatic cancer surgery: neoadjuvant CTX vs. Surgery. Aco Asso 2022. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Circulating tumor DNA correlates as early marker of response to treatment in stage IV gastrointestinal cancer. ESMO TAT 2022. [Poster]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Circulating tumor DNA correlates with tumor burden and predicts outcome in pancreatic cancer irrespective of tumor stage. OeGHO Frühjahrestagung 22. [Poster]

Hackl, Dominik (2022) Eine neue Methode zur Intubation für Schilddrüsenoperationen bei hochgradigen Trachealstenosen. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Einsatz robotischer Plattformen im oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Erfolgreiche operative Sanierung zweier Patienten mit Mageninterponatentleerungsstörung nach Ösophagusresektion. ÖCK Graz. [Poster]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) FLUIDO Abschlussbericht: Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) as marker for response to treatment and outcome measurement in gastrointestinal malignancies. Österreichische Krebshilfe 22. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Helfgott, Ruth (2022) Gutartiger Mammatumor. Gyn Refresher Update Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Helfgott, Ruth (2022) Krebs der Frau. Tag der Onkologie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Krebs im Bauchraum. Tag der Onkologie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Acko, Markus (2022) Mammakarzinom in der Schwangerschaft. Linzer Mammaforum 2022. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Minimal-invasive Resektionstechniken am oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt. BÖC. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Minimalinvasive Hemihepatektomi. Aco Asso 2022. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) My best gastrectomy. 3LT 2022 Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Helfgott, Ruth (2022) Neues aus der Axillachirurgie. Online Patientinnen-Informationsabend. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Neues aus der CED Chirurgie. Biologika Circle, Mondsee. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Pankreasläsionen abseits des Adenokarzinoms. Endo Linz 2022. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Pankreasregister Österreich: Erfahrungen und erste Ergebnisse. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Prediction of response to systemic treatment by kinetics of circulating tumor DNA in metastatic pancreatic cancer. Aco Asso 2022. [Poster]

Fitzal, Florian, Bolliger, Michael, Dunkler, Daniela, Geroldinger, Angelika, Gambone, Luca, Heil, Jörg, Riedel, Fabian, de Boniface, Jana, Andre, Camilla, Matrai, Zoltan, Pukancsik, Dávid, Paulinelli, Regis R., Ostapenko, Valerijus, Burneckis, Arvydas, Ostapenko, Andrej, Ostapenko, Edvin, Meani, Francesco, Harder, Yves, Bonollo, Marta, Alberti, Andrea S. M., Tausch, Christoph, Papassotiropoulos, Bärbel, Helfgott, Ruth, Heck, Dietmar, Fehrer, Hans-Jörg, Acko, Markus, Schrenk, Peter, Trapp, Elisabeth K., Gunda, Pristauz-Telsnigg, Clara, Paliczek, Montagna, Giacomo, Ritter, Mathilde, Blohmer, Jens-Uwe, Steffen, Sander, Romics, Laszlo, Morrow, Elizabeth, Lorenz, Katharina, Fehr, Mathias and Weber, Walter Paul (2022) Retrospective, Multicenter Analysis Comparing Conventional with Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Surgery: Oncological and Surgical Outcomes in Women with High-Risk Breast Cancer from the OPBC-01/iTOP2 Study. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 29 (2). pp. 1061-1070. ISSN 1068-9265

Dewulf, Maxime, Dietz, Ulrich A., Montgomery, Agneta, Pauli, Eric M., Marturano, Matthew N., Ayuso, Sullivan A., Augenstein, Vedra A., Lambrecht, Jan R., Köhler, Gernot, Keller, Nicola, Wiegering, Armin and Muysoms, Filip (2022) Robotische Hernienchirurgie Teil IV. Die Chirurgie, 93 (11). pp. 1051-1062. ISSN 2731-6971

Biebl, Matthias (2022) TNT aus Sicht der Chirurgie, ist es der neue Standard? ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) TaTME- Sinn oder Unsinn. Fokus Chirurgie. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Helfgott, Ruth (2022) Tabuisierte Nebenwirkungen in der Brustkrebstherapie. Onkologie für die Praxis. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Update Maschinenperfusion der Niere. LTXB-Klausur GOEG. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Upper GI - wohin geht die Reise. BÖC. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) What does the Surgeon needs from the Pathologist? BÖC. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias (2022) Wie marginal darf ein Spenderorgan sein? Austrotransplant. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) Zirkulierende Tumor DNA (ctDNA) korreliert mit dem Tumorvolumen und von großer prognostischer Bedeutung beim Pankreaskarzinom unabhängig vom Tumorstadium. Spektrum Onkologie 05/22.

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) ctDNA in der liquid biopsy: eine neue Möglichkeit zur Früherkennung subklinischer Fernmetastasen oder eines Rezidivs beim Pankreaskarzinom. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) irculating tumor DNA correlates with tumor burden and predicts outcome in pancreatic cancer irrespective of tumor stage. Aco Asso 2022. [Poster]

Kirchweger, Patrick (2022) The rate of avoidable pancreatic resections at a high-volume center: an internal quality control and critical review. ÖCK Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative (2021) Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia, 76 (11). pp. 1454-1464. ISSN 1365-2044

COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative (2021) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. The British journal of surgery, 108 (9). pp. 1056-1063. ISSN 1365-2168

Eilenberg, Wolf, Zagrapan, Branislav, Bleichert, Sonja, Ibrahim, Nahla, Knöbl, Viktoria, Brandau, Annika, Martelanz, Luca, Grasl, Marie-Therese, Hayden, Hubert, Nawrozi, Paimann, Rajic, Renata, Häusler, Charlotte, Potolidis, Alexandros, Schirwani, Nawa, Scheuba, Andreas, Klopf, Johannes, Teubenbacher, Peter, Weigl, Markus P, Kirchweger, Patrick, Beitzke, Dietrich, Stiglbauer-Tscholakoff, Alexander, Panzenböck, Adelheid, Lang, Irene, Mauracher, Lisa-Marie, Hell, Lena, Pabinger, Ingrid, Bailey, Marc A, Scott, D Julian A, Maegdefessel, Lars, Busch, Albert, Huk, Ihor, Neumayer, Christoph and Brostjan, Christine (2021) Histone citrullination as a novel biomarker and target to inhibit progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 233. pp. 32-46. ISSN 1878-1810

COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative (2021) Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia, 76 (6). pp. 748-758. ISSN 1365-2044

Tschoner, Andreas (2021) [Update on Endoscopic Therapies for the Treatment of GERD: GERDX, MUSE, EsophyX]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 146 (2). pp. 188-193. ISSN 1438-9592

Rumpold, H, Kirchweger, P, Niedersüß-Beke, D, Falch, D, Wundsam, H, Metz-Gercek, S, Piringer, G and Thaler, J (2021) Prognostic value of metastatic pattern in colorectal cancer: a multicenter retrospective analysis in a real-life cohort. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 60 (2). pp. 180-186. ISSN 1651-226X

Tschoner, Andreas (2021) 5-year follow-up of a prospective clinical trial of an endoscopic full-thickness plication device (GERDx™) for the treatment of GERD. ISDE Toronto 2020/2021. [Poster]

Alkatout, Ibrahim, Mechler, Ulrich, Mettler, Liselotte, Pape, Julian, Maass, Nicolai, Biebl, Matthias, Gitas, Georgios, Laganà, Antonio Simone and Freytag, Damaris (2021) The Development of Laparoscopy-A Historical Overview. Frontiers in surgery, 8. p. 799442. ISSN 2296-875X

Spaun, Georg (2021) ESD und Vollwandabtragung beim CRC. Visz.Chir. 2021. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2021) Endoskopische Pankreasnekrosektomie. ISDS Pankreas 2021 Pörtschach. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2021) Endoskopische Techniken im Gl-Trakt. Chirurgie Compact Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Gampenrieder, Simon P., Pircher, Magdalena, Fesl, Christian, Rinnerthaler, Gabriel, Mlineritsch, Brigitte, Greil-Ressler, Sigrun, Steger, Günther G., Sagaster, Verena, Fitzal, Florian, Exner, Ruth, Devyatko, Yelena, Balic, Marija, Stöger, Herbert, Suppan, Christoph, Bauernhofer, Thomas, Singer, Christian F., Pfeiler, Georg, Seifert, Michael, Helfgott, Ruth, Heck, Dietmar, Rumpold, Holger, Kwasny, Werner, Wieder, Ursula, Gnant, Michael and Greil, Richard (2021) Influence of Height on Risk and Outcome of Patients with Early Breast Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of 4,925 Patients from 5 Randomized Trials of the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group (ABCSG). Breast Care, 17 (2). pp. 137-145. ISSN 1661-3791

Spaun, Georg O (2021) Interdisziplinäres Komplikationsmanagement: oberer GI-Trakt. BÖC Baden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Wundsam, Helwig Valentin, Rösch, Christiane Sophie, Kirchweger, Patrick, Fischer, Ines, Weitzendorfer, Michael, Rumpold, Holger and Függer, Reinhold (2021) Long-Term Quality of Life after Pancreatic Surgery for Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm. European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes, 62 (2). pp. 80-87. ISSN 1421-9921

Spaun, Georg (2021) Lumen-apposing self-expandable metallic stents: indications, techniques, limitations. Strassburg DU 2021. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2021) Management von Löchern. Postgraduierter Kurs Wien 2021. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Tschoner, Andreas (2021) Mesh oder nicht mesh – 10-Jahres-Daten der operativen Versorgung des intrathorakalen Magens aus dem Hernienzentrum Ordensklinikum Linz. ÖCK Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Biebl, Matthias, Denecke, Christian, Dziodzio, Tomasz, Öllinger, Robert and Pratschke, Johann (2021) Robotic Partial Gastrectomy for GIST Tumors. Atlas of Robotic Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. pp. 219-223.

Spaun, Georg (2021) Setting up and managing a surgical endoscopy unit. Strassburg DU 2021. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]


Köhler, G (2020) [Principles and parallels of prevention and repair of parastomal hernia with meshes]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 91 (3). pp. 245-251. ISSN 1433-0385

Köhler, G (2020) [Preoperative conditioning and surgical strategies for treatment of complex abdominal wall hernias]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 91 (2). pp. 134-142. ISSN 1433-0385

Köhler, Gernot, Lechner, Michael, Kaltenböck, Richard, Pfandner, Richard and Hartig, Nikolaus (2020) [Preperitoneal Umbilical Hernia Mesh Plasty (PUMP): Indications, Technique and Results]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 145 (1). pp. 64-71. ISSN 1438-9592

Köhler, Gernot (2020) Letter to the editor: Anterior and posterior component separation; Limitations of cadaver studies. American journal of surgery, 219 (4). pp. 728-729. ISSN 1879-1883

Wundsam, Helwig V, Kertesz, Viktoria, Bräuer, Franziska, Fischer, Ines, Zacherl, Johannes, Függer, Reinhold and Spaun, Georg O (2020) Lumen-apposing metal stent creating jejuno-jejunostomy for blind pouch syndrome in patients with esophago-jejunostomy after gastrectomy: a novel technique. Endoscopy, 52 (1). E35-E36. ISSN 1438-8812

Jahn, Stephan Wenzel, Bösl, Andreas, Tsybrovskyy, Oleksiy, Gruber-Rossipal, Christine, Helfgott, Ruth, Fitzal, Florian, Knauer, Michael, Balic, Marija, Jasarevic, Zerina, Offner, Felix and Moinfar, Farid (2020) Clinically high-risk breast cancer displays markedly discordant molecular risk predictions between the MammaPrint and EndoPredict tests. British journal of cancer, 122 (12). pp. 1744-1746. ISSN 1532-1827

Steger, Guenther G, Egle, Daniel, Bartsch, Rupert, Pfeiler, Georg, Petru, Edgar, Greil, Richard, Helfgott, Ruth, Marth, Christian, Öhler, Leopold, Hubalek, Michael, Lang, Alois, Tinchon, Christoph, Haslbauer, Ferdinand, Redl, Andreas, Hock, Karin, Hennebelle, Mathias, Mraz, Bernhard and Gnant, Michael (2020) Efficacy and safety of everolimus plus exemestane in patients with HR+, HER2- advanced breast cancer progressing on/after prior endocrine therapy in routine clinical practice: Primary results from the non-interventional study, STEPAUT. Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland), 50. pp. 64-70. ISSN 1532-3080

Schlagnitweit, Paul, Helfgott, Ruth, Theodosiadi, Sotiria, Mascherbauer, Maria, Petzer, Andreas, Geinitz, Hans, Langsteger, Werner, Emmanuel, Klaus and Fitzal, Florian (2020) Impact of contemporary therapy- concepts on surgical morbidity in breast cancer patients: A retrospective single center analysis of 829 patients. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, 46 (8). pp. 1477-1483. ISSN 1532-2157

Rumpold, Holger, Niedersüß-Beke, Dora, Heiler, Cordula, Falch, David, Wundsam, Helwig Valenting, Metz-Gercek, Sigrid, Piringer, Gudrun and Thaler, Josef (2020) Prediction of mortality in metastatic colorectal cancer in a real-life population: a multicenter explorative analysis. BMC cancer, 20 (1). p. 1149. ISSN 1471-2407

Rumpold, H, Kirchweger, P, Niedersüß-Beke, D, Falch, D, Wundsam, H, Metz-Gercek, S, Piringer, G and Thaler, J (2020) Prognostic value of metastatic pattern in colorectal cancer: a multicenter retrospective analysis in a real-life cohort. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1651-226X

Kirchweger, Patrick, Wundsam, Helwig Valentin, Fischer, Ines, Rösch, Christiane Sophie, Böhm, Gernot, Tsybrovskyy, Oleksiy, Alibegovic, Vedat and Függer, Reinhold (2020) Total resection of a giant retroperitoneal and mediastinal ganglioneuroma-case report and systematic review of the literature. World journal of surgical oncology, 18 (1). p. 248. ISSN 1477-7819

Schwarz, C, Fitschek, F, Primavesi, F, Stättner, S, Margonis, G A, Weiss, M A, Stavrou, G A, Oldhafer, K J, Kornprat, P, Wundsam, H, Fischer, I, Längle, F, Függer, R, Hauer, A, Klug, R, Kieler, M, Prager, G, Schindl, M, Stremitzer, S, Bodingbauer, M, Sahora, K and Kaczirek, K (2020) Metachronous hepatic resection for liver only pancreatic metastases. Surgical oncology, 35. pp. 169-173. ISSN 1879-3320

Manafi-Farid, Reyhaneh, Kupferthaler, Alexander, Wundsam, Helwig, Gruber, Georg, Vali, Reza, Venhoda, Clemens, Track, Christine, Beheshti, Ali, Langsteger, Werner, Geinitz, Hans and Beheshti, Mohsen (2020) Additional Value of 2-[F]FDG PET/CT Comparing to MRI in Treatment Approach of Anal Cancer Patients. Journal of clinical medicine, 9 (9). ISSN 2077-0383

Luketina, Rosalia, Luketina, Theodore L H, Antoniou, Stavros A, Köhler, Gernot, Könneker, Sören, Manzenreiter, Lisa, Wundsam, Helwig, Koch, Oliver Owen, Knauer, Michael and Emmanuel, Klaus (2020) Prospective randomized controlled trial on comparison of standard CO pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflator versus AirSeal®. Surgical endoscopy. ISSN 1432-2218

Wundsam, Helwig Valentin, Doleschal, Bernhard, Prommer, Regina, Venhoda, Clemens, Schmitt, Clemens, Petzer, Andreas, Metz-Gercek, Sigrid and Rumpold, Holger (2020) Clinical Outcome in Patients with Carcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction Treated with Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy or Perioperative Chemotherapy: A Two-Center Retrospective Analysis. Oncology, 98 (10). pp. 706-713. ISSN 1423-0232

Braeuer, Franziska, Fischer, Ines, Brammen, Lindsay, Pressl, Gerd, Fuegger, Reinhold, Rohregger, Klemens and Wundsam, Helwig (2020) Outcome in Patients Treated With Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC for Gastric Cancer With Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. Anticancer research, 40 (4). pp. 2151-2156. ISSN 1791-7530

Wundsam, Helwig V, Kertesz, Viktoria, Bräuer, Franziska, Fischer, Ines, Zacherl, Johannes, Függer, Reinhold and Spaun, Georg O (2020) Lumen-apposing metal stent creating jejuno-jejunostomy for blind pouch syndrome in patients with esophago-jejunostomy after gastrectomy: a novel technique. Endoscopy, 52 (1). E35-E36. ISSN 1438-8812

Kirchweger, P., Wundsam, H., Niedersüß-Beke, D., Thaler, J. and Rumpold, H. (2020) 506P Relation of metastasis localization, survival outcome and treatment modality in metastatic colorectal cancer. ESMO 2020. [Poster]


Helfgott, Ruth, Mittlböck, Martina, Miesbauer, Maria, Moinfar, Farid, Haim, Silke, Mascherbauer, Maria, Schlagnitweit, Paul, Heck, Dietmar, Knauer, Michael and Fitzal, Florian (2019) The influence of breast cancer subtypes on axillary ultrasound accuracy: A retrospective single center analysis of 583 women. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, 45 (4). pp. 538-543. ISSN 1532-2157

Hammer, Josef, Geinitz, Hans, Nieder, Carsten, Track, Christine, Thames, Howard D, Seewald, Dietmar H, Petzer, Andreas L, Helfgott, Ruth, Spiegl, Kurt J, Heck, Dietmar and Bräutigam, Elisabeth (2019) Risk Factors for Local Relapse and Inferior Disease-free Survival After Breast-conserving Management of Breast Cancer: Recursive Partitioning Analysis of 2161 Patients. Clinical breast cancer, 19 (1). pp. 58-62. ISSN 1938-0666

Primavesi, Florian, Klieser, Eckhard, Cardini, Benno, Marsoner, Katharina, Fröschl, Uwe, Thalhammer, Sabine, Fischer, Ines, Hauer, Andreas, Urbas, Romana, Kiesslich, Tobias, Neureiter, Daniel, Zitt, Matthias, Klug, Reinhold, Wundsam, Helwig, Sellner, Franz, Karner, Josef, Függer, Reinhold, Cakar-Beck, Fergül, Kornprat, Peter, Öfner, Dietmar and Stättner, Stefan (2019) Exploring the surgical landscape of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasia in Austria: Results from the ASSO pNEN study group. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, 45 (2). pp. 198-206. ISSN 1532-2157

Hammer, Josef, Geinitz, Hans, Nieder, Carsten, Track, Christine, Thames, Howard D, Seewald, Dietmar H, Petzer, Andreas L, Helfgott, Ruth, Spiegl, Kurt J, Heck, Dietmar and Bräutigam, Elisabeth (2019) Risk Factors for Local Relapse and Inferior Disease-free Survival After Breast-conserving Management of Breast Cancer: Recursive Partitioning Analysis of 2161 Patients. Clinical breast cancer, 19 (1). pp. 58-62. ISSN 1938-0666

Primavesi, Florian, Klieser, Eckhard, Cardini, Benno, Marsoner, Katharina, Fröschl, Uwe, Thalhammer, Sabine, Fischer, Ines, Hauer, Andreas, Urbas, Romana, Kiesslich, Tobias, Neureiter, Daniel, Zitt, Matthias, Klug, Reinhold, Wundsam, Helwig, Sellner, Franz, Karner, Josef, Függer, Reinhold, Cakar-Beck, Fergül, Kornprat, Peter, Öfner, Dietmar and Stättner, Stefan (2019) Exploring the surgical landscape of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasia in Austria: Results from the ASSO pNEN study group. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, 45 (2). pp. 198-206. ISSN 1532-2157

Köhler, G, Kaltenböck, R, Pfandner, R, Dauser, B and Lechner, M (2019) Precostal top-down extended totally extraperitoneal ventral hernia plasty (eTEP): simplification of a complex technical approach. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, G (2019) [New laparoendoscopic and minimally invasive extraperitoneal mesh augmentation techniques for ventral hernia repair]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 90 (10). pp. 838-844. ISSN 1433-0385

Lechner, M, Borhanian, K, Mitterwallner, S, Bittner, R, Klieser, E, Köhler, G, Emmanuel, K and Mayer, F (2019) Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma: A Concern in Inguinal Hernia Repair. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 23 (1). ISSN 1938-3797

Koch, Oliver O, Weitzendorfer, Michael, Varga, Martin, Tschoner, Andreas, Partl, Richard, Perathoner, Alexander, Gehwolf, Philipp, Kapp, Karin S, Függer, Reinhold, Öfner, Dietmar and Emmanuel, Klaus (2019) Perioperative chemotherapy versus neoadjuvant chemoradiation for patients with adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus in Austria: a retrospective analysis. World journal of surgical oncology, 17 (1). p. 146. ISSN 1477-7819

Konschake, M, Zwierzina, M, Moriggl, B, Függer, R, Mayer, F, Brunner, W, Schmid, T, Chen, D C and Fortelny, R (2019) The inguinal region revisited: the surgical point of view : An anatomical-surgical mapping and sonographic approach regarding postoperative chronic groin pain following open hernia repair. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery. ISSN 1248-9204


Weitzendorfer, Michael, Spaun, Georg O, Antoniou, Stavros A, Witzel, Kai, Emmanuel, Klaus and Koch, Oliver O (2018) Clinical feasibility of a new full-thickness endoscopic plication device (GERDx™) for patients with GERD: results of a prospective trial. Surgical endoscopy, 32 (5). pp. 2541-2549. ISSN 1432-2218

Köhler, Gernot, Fischer, Ines and Wundsam, Helwig (2018) A Novel Technique for Parastomal Hernia Repair Combining a Laparoscopic and Ostomy-Opening Approach. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 28 (2). pp. 209-214. ISSN 1557-9034

Köhler, Gernot, Fischer, Ines, Kaltenböck, Richard, Lechner, Michael, Dauser, Bernhard and Jorgensen, Lars Nannestad (2018) Evolution of Endoscopic Anterior Component Separation to a Precostal Access with a New Cylindrical Balloon Trocar. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 28 (6). pp. 730-735. ISSN 1557-9034

Köhler, Gernot (2018) Parastomal Hernia Repair with a 3D Funnel Intraperitoneal Mesh Device and Same-Sided Stoma Relocation: Results of 56 Cases: Reply. World journal of surgery, 42 (9). pp. 3052-3053. ISSN 1432-2323

Weitzendorfer, Michael, Spaun, Georg O, Antoniou, Stavros A, Witzel, Kai, Emmanuel, Klaus and Koch, Oliver O (2018) Clinical feasibility of a new full-thickness endoscopic plication device (GERDx™) for patients with GERD: results of a prospective trial. Surgical endoscopy, 32 (5). pp. 2541-2549. ISSN 1432-2218

Manzenreiter, Lisa, Spaun, Georg, Weitzendorfer, Michael, Luketina, Rosalia, Antoniou, Stavros A, Wundsam, Helwig, Koch, Oliver O and Emmanuel, Klaus (2018) A proposal for a tailored approach to diverting ostomy for colorectal anastomosis. Minerva chirurgica, 73 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1827-1626

Köhler, Gernot, Fischer, Ines, Kaltenböck, Richard and Schrittwieser, Rudolf (2018) Minimal Invasive Linea Alba Reconstruction for the Treatment of Umbilical and Epigastric Hernias with Coexisting Rectus Abdominis Diastasis. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 28 (10). pp. 1223-1228. ISSN 1557-9034

Köhler, G, Fischer, I, Kaltenböck, R, Mitteregger, M, Seitinger, G and Szyszkowitz, A (2018) Critical evaluation of an innovative mesh for bilateral transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair of inguinal hernias. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 22 (5). pp. 857-862. ISSN 1248-9204

Kappel-Latif, Sonja, Zacherl, Johannes, Hejna, Michael, Westerhoff, Maria, Tamandl, Dietmar, Ba-Ssalamah, Ahmed, Mittlböck, Martina, Wolf, Brigitte, Wrba, Friedrich, Kührer, Irene, Pluschnig, Ursula, Schoppmann, Sebastian F, Függer, Reinhold, Zwrtek, Ronald, Glaser, Karl, Karner, Josef, Längle, Friedrich, Wenzl, Etienne, Roka, Rudolf, Öfner, Dietmar, Tschmelitsch, Jörg, Hold, Michael, Keil, Felix, Gnant, Michael and Kandioler, Daniela (2018) • Pancho trial (p53-adapted neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable esophageal cancer) completed-mutation rate of the marker higher than expected. European surgery : ACA : Acta chirurgica Austriaca, 50 (4). pp. 160-166. ISSN 1682-8631

Malinka, Thomas, Klein, Fritz, LE Thu, Trang, Rösch, Christiane S, Wundsam, Helwig, Biebl, Matthias, Pratschke, Johann, Bahra, Marcus and Függer, Reinhold (2018) A Bi-national Analysis of 252 Pancreatic Resections for Chronic Pancreatitis with Regard to Incidental Carcinoma Sequence and Overall Postoperative Outcome. Anticancer research, 38 (8). pp. 4947-4952. ISSN 1791-7530

Manzenreiter, Lisa, Spaun, Georg, Weitzendorfer, Michael, Luketina, Rosalia, Antoniou, Stavros A, Wundsam, Helwig, Koch, Oliver O and Emmanuel, Klaus (2018) A proposal for a tailored approach to diverting ostomy for colorectal anastomosis. Minerva chirurgica, 73 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1827-1626

Köhler, Gernot, Fischer, Ines and Wundsam, Helwig (2018) A Novel Technique for Parastomal Hernia Repair Combining a Laparoscopic and Ostomy-Opening Approach. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, 28 (2). pp. 209-214. ISSN 1557-9034


Dolak, Werner, Schwaighofer, Hubert, Hellmich, Brigitte, Stadler, Bernhard, Spaun, Georg, Plieschnegger, Wolfgang, Hebenstreit, Arnold, Weber-Eibel, Jutta, Siebert, Franz, Emmanuel, Klaus, Knoflach, Peter, Gschwantler, Michael, Vogel, Wolfgang, Trauner, Michael and Püspök, Andreas (2017) Photodynamic therapy with polyhematoporphyrin for malignant biliary obstruction: A nationwide retrospective study of 150 consecutive applications. United European gastroenterology journal, 5 (1). pp. 104-110. ISSN 2050-6406

Weitzendorfer, Michael, Spaun, Georg O, Antoniou, Stavros A, Tschoner, Andreas, Schredl, Philipp, Emmanuel, Klaus and Koch, Oliver O (2017) Interim Report of a Prospective Trial on the Clinical Efficiency of a New Full-thickness Endoscopic Plication Device for Patients With GERD: Impact of Changed Suture Material. Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques, 27 (3). pp. 163-169. ISSN 1534-4908

Fischer, Ines, Wundsam, Helwig, Mitteregger, Martin and Köhler, Gernot (2017) Parastomal Hernia Repair with a 3D Funnel Intraperitoneal Mesh Device and Same-Sided Stoma Relocation: Results of 56 Cases. World journal of surgery, 41 (12). pp. 3212-3217. ISSN 1432-2323

Dauser, B, Ghaffari, S, Ng, C, Schmid, T, Köhler, G and Herbst, F (2017) Endoscopic anterior component separation: a novel technical approach. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 21 (6). pp. 951-955. ISSN 1248-9204

Weitzendorfer, Michael, Köhler, Gernot, Antoniou, Stavros A, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, Manzenreiter, Lisa, Schredl, Philipp, Emmanuel, Klaus and Koch, Oliver Owen (2017) Preoperative diagnosis of hiatal hernia: barium swallow X-ray, high-resolution manometry, or endoscopy? European surgery : ACA : Acta chirurgica Austriaca, 49 (5). pp. 210-217. ISSN 1682-8631


Weitzendorfer, Michael, Tschoner, Andreas, Schwaiger, Christoph, Wundsam, Helwig, Spaun, Georg, Emmanuel, Klaus and Koch, Oliver (2016) Pepsin Determination in Saliva and Oropharyngeal pH - Monitoring for the Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Patients With Primary Extra-Esophageal Symptoms. Gastroenterology.

Köhler, G, Hofmann, A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Wundsam, H, Emmanuel, K and Fortelny, R H (2016) Prevention of parastomal hernias with 3D funnel meshes in intraperitoneal onlay position by placement during initial stoma formation. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 20 (1). pp. 151-9. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, Gernot, Lechner, Michael, Mayer, Franz, Köckerling, Ferdinand, Schrittwieser, Rudolf, Fortelny, René H, Adolf, Daniela and Emmanuel, Klaus (2016) Self-Gripping Meshes for Lichtenstein Repair. Do We Need Additional Suture Fixation? World journal of surgery, 40 (2). pp. 298-308. ISSN 1432-2323

Mayer, F, Lechner, M, Adolf, D, Öfner, D, Köhler, G, Fortelny, R, Bittner, R and Köckerling, F (2016) Is the age of >65 years a risk factor for endoscopic treatment of primary inguinal hernia? Analysis of 24,571 patients from the Herniamed Registry. Surgical endoscopy, 30 (1). pp. 296-306. ISSN 1432-2218

Lechner, M N, Jäger, T, Buchner, S, Köhler, G, Öfner, D and Mayer, F (2016) Rail or roll: a new, convenient and safe way to position self-gripping meshes in open inguinal hernia repair. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 20 (3). pp. 417-22. ISSN 1248-9204

Antoniou, Stavros A, Köhler, Gernot, Antoniou, George A, Muysoms, Filip E, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2016) Meta-analysis of randomized trials comparing nonpenetrating vs mechanical mesh fixation in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. American journal of surgery, 211 (1). 239-249.e2. ISSN 1879-1883

Mayer, F, Niebuhr, H, Lechner, M, Dinnewitzer, A, Köhler, G, Hukauf, M, Fortelny, R H, Bittner, R and Köckerling, F (2016) When is mesh fixation in TAPP-repair of primary inguinal hernia repair necessary? The register-based analysis of 11,230 cases. Surgical endoscopy, 30 (10). pp. 4363-71. ISSN 1432-2218


Köhler, Gernot, Spaun, Georg, Antoniou, S.A., Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Emmanuel, K and Koch, Oliver (2015) Comparative analysis of diagnosing sliding hiatal hernias with barium swallow X-ray, high- resolution manometry, and endoscopy inclusive their correlation with GERD. European Surgery.

Koch, OO, Köhler, G, Wundsam, Helwig, Weitzendorfer, M, Spaun, Georg and Emmanuel, K (2015) Interventionelle Verfahren in der Therapie der gastro-ösophagealen Refluxkrankheit. Chirurg.

Spaun, Georg (2015) Ösophaguskarzinom Leitlinien Chirurgie. Endo Linz 2015, 23.-24.01.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Tschoner, Andreas (2015) Achalasia Subtype Determines Clinical Presentation and Response to Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy. 51st Annual Meeting Society of Thorac Surgeons STS, 24.-28.01.2015, San Diego. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, G, Hofmann, A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Wundsam, Helwig, Emmanuel, K and Fortelny, R (2015) Prevention of parastomal hernias with 3D funnel meshes in intraperitoneal onlay Position by Placement during Initial stoma formation. Hernia.

Emmanuel, K (2015) Tumorchirurgie der alten Alten (75-85) und ältesten Alten (>85). ÖGHO Frühjahrstagung, 23.04.2015, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Emmanuel, K (2015) Neue Krebstherapien - Neue Hoffnung. Wovor muss man sich noch fürchten? Das neueste aus der Wissenschaft. MiniMed, 20.05.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Emmanuel, K (2015) Anastomoseninsuffizienz nach Magenresektion mit Duodenalstumpfinsuffizienz. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Emmanuel, K (2015) Die "sichere" Anastomose in der Tumorchirurgie: Ösophagus / Magen. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Fitzal, F (2015) Postoperative Infektionen in der Mammachirurgie. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kalcher, Veronika, Spaun, Georg and Emmanuel, K (2015) Endosonographisch gezielte Anlage extraanatomischer Drainagen bei nekrotisierender Pankreatitis, super-infizierter Pankreaspseudozyste und Duodenalperforation. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, OO, Köhler, G, Wundsam, Helwig, Weitzendorfer, M, Spaun, Georg and Emmanuel, K (2015) Interventionelle Verfahren in der Therapie der gastro-ösophagealen Refluxkrankheit. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, Oliver, Köhler, Gernot, Weitzendorfer, M, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Tschoner, Andreas and Emmanuel, K (2015) Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zur Anwendung eines in der Magnetresonanz sichtbaren Netzes beim Verschluss von großen Hiatushernien. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, Oliver, Beheshti, M, Wundsam, Helwig, Zaglmair, Wolfgang, Emmanuel, K and Langsteger, W (2015) Wertigkeit des FDG PET/CT im Staging von Patienten mit metastasierten Kolonkarzinom im Vergleich zum Kontrastmittel-CT. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Poster]

Köhler, Gernot (2015) Prevention of parastomal hernias with 3D funnel meshes in intraperitoneal onlay Position by Placement during initialstoma formation. World Hernia Congress, 25.-29.04.2015, Mailand. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2015) Magnetic resonance visible 3D funnel meshes for laparoscopic parastomal hernia prevention and treatment. World Hernia Congress, 25.-29.04.2015, Mailand. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2015) Single-incision parastomal hernia repair by equilateral ostomy relocation through 3D funnel meshes. World Hernia Congress, 25.-29.04.2015, Mailand. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schwaiger, C, Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, K (2015) Antibiotikaprophylaxe bei offener Leistenhernien Operation. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Lechner, M, Luketina, RR, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, K (2015) Magnetic Resonance-Visible Meshes for Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Weitzendorfer, M, Kalcher, Veronika and Emmanuel, K (2015) Synthetic mesh repair for insicional hernia Treatment in high-risk patients for surgical site occurrences (SSO). 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Weitzendorfer, M, Koch, Oliver, Spaun, Georg, Tschoner, Andreas, Kalcher, Veronika and Emmanuel, K (2015) Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Studie zur Evaluierung des Erfolgs eines neuen endoskopischen Vollwand-Plikationsgeräts zur Therapie von Patienten mit GERD. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Hofmann, A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Emmanuel, K and Fortelny, R (2015) Prevention of parastomal hernias with 3D funnel meshes in intraperitoneal onlay Position by Placement during Initial stoma formation. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, K (2015) Der Weg zum zertifizierten Hernienkompetenzzentrum Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schredl, P, Achleitner, C, Hackl, D, Koch, Oliver, Langsteger, W and Emmanuel, K (2015) 4 Jahre Schilddrüsenzentrum, Resümee und Erkenntnisse. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Rohregger, K (2015) Aktuelle Studienprotokolle bei peritonealen Neoplasmen. Dialog 4, 26.-27.05.2015, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Rohregger, K, Pressl, G, Kalcher, Veronika and Emmanuel, K (2015) Implementierung und erste Erfahrung mit der cytoreduktiven Therapie mit HIPEC (hypertherme intraperitoneale Chemotherapie) im Tumorzentrum der BHS. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schlagnitweit, P, Heck, D, Helfgott, R, Knauer, M, Knerl, K, Petzer, A, Moinfar, F, Track, C, Pallwein-Prettner, E, Langsteger, W, Emmanuel, K and Fitzal, F (2015) Kein Einfluss moderner therapeutischer Methoden auf die operative Morbidität beim Mamma-CA in einem zertifizierten Brustzentrum. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Pressl, G, Zaglmair, Wolfgang and Emmanuel, K (2015) Multiviszerale Resektionen in der colorektalen Chirurgie. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa, Spaun, Georg, Luketina, RR, Koch, Oliver, Wundsam, Helwig, Zaglmair, Wolfgang and Emmanuel, K (2015) Experience and outcome by using a Loop colostomy or Loop ileostomy for decompressing colorectal anastomosis: a single Center study. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Zaglmair, Wolfgang (2015) Roboterchirurgie. Seminarabend, 12.02.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Zaglmair, Wolfgang, Wundsam, Helwig and Emmanuel, K (2015) Welchen Vorteil in der Behandlungsqualität des kolorektalen Karzinoms bringt ein nach der Dt. Krebsgesellschaft zertifiziertes Darmzentrum? 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Pfandner, R, Koch, Oliver, Wundsam, Helwig and Emmanuel, K (2015) Primäres extra-adrenales malignes Parangliom des Pankreas: ein Fallbericht. 56. Österr. Chirurgenkongress, 03.-05.06.2015, Linz. [Poster]

Köhler, Gernot (2015) Seromprophylaxe beim Ramirez? 13. Jahrestagung der Dt. Herniengesellschaft, 12.-13.06.2015, Hamm. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2015) Endoskopische Operationsverfahren im Dritten Raum. Seminarabend, 12.02.2015, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Wundsam, Helwig, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2015) Magnetic resonance visible 3-D funnel meshes for laparoscopic parastomal hernia prevention and treatment. European Surgery.

Emmanuel, K (2015) Laparoskopische Leber = Resektion, was ist sinnvoll machbar. 92. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Bayerischen Chirurgen e.V., 22.-24.07.2015, Dachau. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Assfalg, Volker, Wolf, Petra, Reim, Daniel, Hüser, Norbert, Hellbrügge, Georg, Matevossian, Edouard, Friess, Helmut, Holzmann, Bernhard, Emmanuel, K and Novotny, Alexander (2015) Procalcitonin Ratio and on-demand relaparotomy for septic peritonitis: Validation of the Focus indes (FI). Surgery Today.

Köhler, Gernot, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Lechner, M, Spaun, Georg, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, K (2015) First human magnetic resonance visualisation of prosthetics for laparoscopic large hiatal hernia repair. Hernia.

Köhler, Gernot, Wundsam, Helwig, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, K (2015) Magnetic resonance visible 3-D funnel meshes for laparoscopic parastomal hernia prevention and treatment. Eur Surg.

Wagner, Andrey, Denzer, UW, Neureiter, D, Kiesslich, T, Puespoek, A, Rauws, E.A., Emmanuel, K, Degenhart, Nora, Frick, Ulrich, Beuers, Ulrich, Lohse, AW, Berr, F and Wolkersdörfer, GW (2015) Temoporfin improves efficacy of photodynamic therapy in advanced biliary tract carcinoma: A multicenter prospective phase II study. Hepatology.

Köhler, Gernot, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Koch, Oliver, Luketina, RR, Lechner, M and Emmanuel, K (2015) Magnetic Resonance visible meshes for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons JSLS.

Köhler, Gernot, Weitzendorfer, M, Kalcher, Veronika and Emmanuel, K (2015) Synthetic Mesh Repair for Incisional Hernia Treatment in High-risk Patients for Surgical Site Occurrences. The American Surgeon.

Akbari, K, Haim, S, Emmanuel, K, Köhler, Gernot, Wundsam, Helwig, Weitzendorfer, M, Fellner, F, Pirich, C, Langsteger, W and Beheshti, M (2015) Value of FDG PET/CT versus stand-alone CT for assessing patients with colon cancer. European Radiology.

Antoniou, Stavros Athanasios, Andreou, Alexandros, Koch, Oliver, Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Rosalia, Bertsias, Antonios, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) Lack of Improvement Over Time in Methodological Quality of Randomized Trials on Laparoscopic Surgery Training. Digestive Surgery.

De Keersmacker, G, Beckers, R, Heindryckx, E, Kyle-Leinhase, I, Pletinckx, P, Claeys, D, Muysoms, F, Hernando, L Blázquez, Ureña, M A García, Monclús, J López, Del Valle, A Robín, Montes, D Melero, Pavón, C Castellón, Ceinos, C Jimenez, Cidoncha, A Cruz, Quindós, P López, Franklin, M, Hernandez, M, Glover, M, Glass, J, Adedeiji, A, Molina, E, De La Paz, O, Lalan, J, Arias, L, Tamayo, Y, Mykytiuk, S, Vlasov, V, Mykytiuk, O, Vlasova, K, Köhler, G, Pallwein-Prettner, L, Luketina, R R, Koch, O O, Emmanuel, K, Fang, Z X, Ren, F, Zhou, J P, Liu, D C, Tian, J, Tu, C, Winder, J, Juza, R, Pauli, E, Chukwumah, C, Meehan, L, Bilkhu, A, Anwar, S, Bertoglio, C, Magistro, C, De Martini, P, Lo Conte, D, Di Lernia, S, Ferrari, G, Pugliese, R, Köckerling, F, Bellomo, M P, Bona, A, Borasi, A, Borreca, D, Filippa, C, Manfredi, S, De Paolis, P, Lysenko, R, Zuvela, M and Galun, D (2015) Parastomal Hernia, Risky Zone & Prophilactic Mesh. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 Sup. S25-31. ISSN 1248-9204

Weitzendorfer, M, Tschoner, A, Schwaiger, C, Wundsam, H, Emmanuel, K and Koch, O (2015) Pepsinbestimmung im Speichel und oropharyngeale pH-Metrie zur Diagnose einer gastroösophagealen Refluxkrankheit bei Patienten mit extra-ösophagealen Symptomen. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 53 (08). KG005.

Antoniou, Stavros A, Andreou, Alexandros, Antoniou, George A, Koch, Oliver O, Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Ruzica-R, Bertsias, Antonios, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) Volume and methodological quality of randomized controlled trials in laparoscopic surgery: assessment over a 10-year period. The American Journal of Surgery, 210 (5). pp. 922-929.

Köhler, Gernot, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, Lechner, M, Spaun, GO, Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2015) First human magnetic resonance visualisation of prosthetics for laparoscopic large hiatal hernia repair. Hernia, 19 (6). pp. 975-982.

Antoniou, Stavros A, Müller-Stich, George A and Köhler, Luketina, Ruzica-Rosalia, Koch, Oliver O, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) Laparoscopic augmentation of the diaphragmatic hiatus with biologic mesh versus suture repair: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, 400 (5). pp. 577-583.

Antoniou, Stavros Athanasios, Andreou, Alexandros, Antoniou, George Athanasios, Bertsias, Antonios, Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver Owen, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, F-A (2015) A systematic review and analysis of factors associated with methodological quality in laparoscopic randomized controlled trials. Digestive surgery, 32 (3). pp. 217-224.

Köhler, Gernot, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, Koch, Oliver Owen, Luketina, Ruzica Rosalia, Lechner, Michael and Emmanuel, Klaus (2015) Magnetic Resonance--Visible Meshes for Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 19 (1).

Antoniou, Stavros Athanasios, Antoniou, George Athanasios, Koch, Oliver Owen, Köhler, Gernot, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, F-A (2015) Laparoscopic versus open obesity surgery: a meta-analysis of pulmonary complications. Digestive surgery, 32 (2). pp. 98-107.

Köhler, G, Luketina, R R, Koch, O O and Emmanuel, K (2015) [Component separation for closing large abdominal wall defects: evolution of a method from 1990 to present day]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 140 (2). pp. 186-92. ISSN 1438-9592

Köhler, Gernot, Kalcher, Veronika, Koch, Oliver O, Luketina, Ruzica-R, Emmanuel, Klaus and Spaun, Georg (2015) Comparison of 231 patients receiving either "pull-through" or "push" percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Surgical endoscopy, 29 (1). pp. 170-5. ISSN 1432-2218

Köhler, G, Koch, O O, Antoniou, S A, Emmanuel, K and Pointner, R (2015) "Acute intrathoracic stomach!" How should we deal with complicated type IV paraesophageal hernias? Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 (4). pp. 627-33. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, G, Mayer, F, Lechner, M and Bittner, R (2015) Small bowel obstruction after TAPP repair caused by a self-anchoring barbed suture device for peritoneal closure: case report and review of the literature. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 (3). pp. 389-94. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Ruzica-Rosalia and Emmanuel, Klaus (2015) Sutured repair of primary small umbilical and epigastric hernias: concomitant rectus diastasis is a significant risk factor for recurrence. World journal of surgery, 39 (1). 121-6; discussion 127.. ISSN 1432-2323

Köhler, G, Antoniou, S A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Mair, J and Emmanuel, K (2015) Stenting for Emergency Colorectal Obstruction: An Analysis of 204 Patients in Relation to Predictors of Failure and Complications. Scandinavian journal of surgery : SJS : official organ for the Finnish Surgical Society and the Scandinavian Surgical Society, 104 (3). pp. 146-53. ISSN 1799-7267

Köhler, Gernot, Weitzendorfer, Michael, Kalcher, Veronika and Emmanuel, Klaus (2015) Synthetic mesh repair for incisional hernia treatment in high-risk patients for surgical site occurrences. The American surgeon, 81 (4). pp. 387-94. ISSN 1555-9823

Köhler, Gernot, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, Koch, Oliver Owen, Luketina, Ruzica Rosalia, Lechner, Michael and Emmanuel, Klaus (2015) Magnetic resonance-visible meshes for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 19 (1). e2014.00175. ISSN 1938-3797

Köhler, G, Pallwein-Prettner, L, Lechner, M, Spaun, G O, Koch, O O and Emmanuel, K (2015) First human magnetic resonance visualisation of prosthetics for laparoscopic large hiatal hernia repair. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 (6). pp. 975-82. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, Gernot, Mayer, Franz, Wundsam, Helwig, Schrittwieser, Rudolf, Emmanuel, Klaus and Lechner, Michael (2015) Changes in the Surgical Management of Parastomal Hernias Over 15 Years: Results of 135 Cases. World journal of surgery, 39 (11). pp. 2795-804. ISSN 1432-2323

Luketina, Ruzica-Rosalia, Koch, Oliver Owen, Köhler, Gernot, Antoniou, Stavros A, Emmanuel, Klaus and Pointner, Rudolph (2015) Obesity does not affect the outcome of laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surgical endoscopy, 29 (6). pp. 1327-33. ISSN 1432-2218

Koch, O O, Köhler, G, Wundsam, H, Weitzendorfer, M, Spaun, G O and Emmanuel, K (2015) [Interventional procedures in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 86 (10). pp. 949-54. ISSN 1433-0385

Antoniou, Stavros Athanasios, Andreou, Alexandros, Antoniou, George Athanasios, Bertsias, Antonios, Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver Owen, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) A systematic review and analysis of factors associated with methodological quality in laparoscopic randomized controlled trials. Digestive surgery, 32 (3). pp. 217-24. ISSN 1421-9883

Antoniou, Stavros A, Müller-Stich, Beat P, Antoniou, George A, Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Ruzica-Rosalia, Koch, Oliver O, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) Laparoscopic augmentation of the diaphragmatic hiatus with biologic mesh versus suture repair: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 400 (5). pp. 577-83. ISSN 1435-2451

Antoniou, Stavros A, Andreou, Alexandros, Antoniou, George A, Koch, Oliver O, Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Ruzica-R, Bertsias, Antonios, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) Volume and methodological quality of randomized controlled trials in laparoscopic surgery: assessment over a 10-year period. American journal of surgery, 210 (5). pp. 922-9. ISSN 1879-1883

Antoniou, Stavros Athanasios, Andreou, Alexandros, Antoniou, George Athanasios, Koch, Oliver Owen, Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Ruzica-Rosalia, Bertsias, Antonios, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, Frank-Alexander (2015) Lack of Improvement Over Time in Methodological Quality of Randomized Trials on Laparoscopic Surgery Training. Digestive surgery, 32 (6). pp. 487-8. ISSN 1421-9883

Vestberg, R, Guerin, M, Radlovic, A, Lefranc, O, Ladet, S, Takahashi, M, Matsuya, H, Nishinari, N, Matsui, Y, Tosya, T, Minagawa, Y, Shimooki, O, Abe, T, Pietrantoni, S, Pietrantoni, C, Nguyen, D, Szomstein, S, Dip, F, Rajan, M, Lo Menzo, E, Rosenthal, R, Musil, J, Kohoutek, L, Plechacova, P, Gryga, A, Marek, D, Bures, T, Mora, M, Kowalski, R, Desilets, D, Romanelli, J, Earle, D, Mommers, E, Wegdam, J, Nienhuijs, S, de Vries Reilingh, T, Giordano, P, Majumder, A, Hope, W, Novitsky, Y N, Köhler, G, Emmanuel, K, Schrittwieser, R, Kuniyoshi, N, Nishihara, M, Miyahira, T, Hanashiro, N, Okushima, N, Takushi, Y, Aka, H, Nakagawa, H, Takehara, H, Kudsi, O, Piscoya, J, Naranjo-Fernandez, J R, Curado-Soriano, A, Martin-Orta, E, Infantes-Ormad, M, Valera-Sanchez, Z, Piñan-Diez, J, Dominguez-Amodeo, A, Ruiz-Zafra, A, Navarrete-Carcer, E, Oliva-Mompean, F, Padillo-Ruiz, J, Holihan, J, Alawadi, Z M, Kao, L S, Liang, M K, Henriksen, N A, Meisner, S, Jorgensen, L N, Morales-Conde, S, Gómez-Menchero, J, Del Agua, I Alarcón, Ramirez, M Sanchez, Macías, M Socas, Moreno, A Barranco, Luque, J A Bellido, Grau, J M Suarez, Eckhert, K, Costanzi, A, Miranda, A, Pessi, F, Galfrascoli, E, Crippa, J, Mari, G, Maggioni, D, Augenstein, V, Colavita, P, Wormer, B, Walters, A, Bradley, J, Dacey, K, Lincourt, A, Horton, J, Kercher, K, Heniford, T, Tian, M L, Wang, M G, Chen, J, Xiu, D R, Nie, Y S, Zhao, X F, Liu, J, Yao, H W, Jiang, B, Zhang, L F, Wang, H Y, Gerhart, C, Dheri, A, Harth, R, Marr, D, Mensch, D and Thoma, M Roke (2015) Topic: Recent Innovations in Hernia Surgery. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 Sup. S328-37. ISSN 1248-9204

Yasuo, S, Kenichi, Y, Ueno, N, Arimoto, A, Hosono, M, Yoshikawa, T, Toyokawa, A, Kakeji, Y, Tsai, Y, Tsai, C, Sul, J, Lim, M, Park, J, Jang, C E, Santilli, O, Tripoloni, D, Santilli, H, Nardelli, N, Greco, A, Estevez, M, Sakurai, S, Ryu, S, Cesana, G, Ciccarese, F, Uccelli, M, Grava, G, Castello, G, Carrieri, D, Legnani, G, Olmi, S, Naito, M, Yamamoto, H, Sawada, Y, Mandai, Y, Asano, H, Ino, H, Tsukuda, K, Nagahama, T, Ando, M, Ami, K, Arai, K, Miladinovic, M, Kitanovic, A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Meissnitzer, M, Fortsner, R, Öfner, D, Köhler, G, Jäger, T, Kumata, Y, Fukushima, R, Inaba, T, Yaguchi, Y, Horikawa, M, Ogawa, E, Katayama, T, Kumar, P S, Unal, D, Caparlar, C, Akkaya, T, Mercan, U, Kulacoglu, H, Barreiro, J Jorge, Baer, I García, García, L Solar, Cumplido, P Lora, Florez, L J García, Muñiz, P Fernandez, Fujino, K, Mita, K, Ohta, E, Takahashi, K, Hashimoto, M, Nagayasu, K, Murabayashi, R, Asakawa, H, Koizumi, K, Hayashi, G, Ito, H, Felberbauer, F, Strobl, S, Kristo, I, Riss, S, Prager, G, El Komy, H, El Gendi, A, Nabil, W, Karam, M, El Kayal, S, Chihara, N, Suzuki, H, Watanabe, M, Uchida, E, Chen, T, Wang, J, Wang, H, Bouchiba, N, Elbakary, T, Ramadan, A, Elakkad, M, Berney, C, Vlasov, V, Babii, I, Pidmurnyak, O, Prystupa, M, Asakage, N, Molinari, P, Contino, E, Guzzetti, L, Oggioni, M, Sambuco, M, Berselli, M, Farassino, L, Cocozza, E, Crespi, A, Ambrosoli, A and Zhao, Y (2015) Topic: Inguinal Hernia - Unsolved problem in the daily practice. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 Sup. S293-304. ISSN 1248-9204

Vanini, R, Kabbara, S, Elia, E, Piancastelli, A, Guglielminetti, D, Tuveri, M, Tuveri, A, Nicolo, E, Tomizawa, K, Kuroyanagi, H, Matoba, S, Moriyama, J, Toda, S, Hanaoka, Y, Fukui, Y, Haruta, S, Clara, E Sta, Tang, S, Tan, W B, Wijerathne, S, Hu, J, Shabbir, A, Lomanto, D, Son, G, Park, S, Pietrantoni, S, Pietrantoni, C, Nishihara, M, Takehara, H, Nakagawa, H, Kuniyoshi, N, Aka, H, Takushi, Y, Miyahira, T, Hanashiro, N, Okushima, N, Mayer, F, Lechner, M, Öfner, D, Bittner, R, Köhler, G, Fortelny, R, Köckerling, F, Lim, R, Berney, C, Kato, J, Iuamoto, L, Meyer, A, Floridi, A, Bombelli, E, Giuliani, D, Galli, I, Monti, M, Longo, A, Pisano, G, Li, J and Tian, D (2015) Topic: Inguinal Hernia - Tailored surgery. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 Sup. S287-92. ISSN 1248-9204

De Keersmacker, G, Beckers, R, Heindryckx, E, Kyle-Leinhase, I, Pletinckx, P, Claeys, D, Muysoms, F, Hernando, L Blázquez, Ureña, M A García, Monclús, J López, Del Valle, A Robín, Montes, D Melero, Pavón, C Castellón, Ceinos, C Jimenez, Cidoncha, A Cruz, Quindós, P López, Franklin, M, Hernandez, M, Glover, M, Glass, J, Adedeiji, A, Molina, E, De La Paz, O, Lalan, J, Arias, L, Tamayo, Y, Mykytiuk, S, Vlasov, V, Mykytiuk, O, Vlasova, K, Köhler, G, Pallwein-Prettner, L, Luketina, R R, Koch, O O, Emmanuel, K, Fang, Z X, Ren, F, Zhou, J P, Liu, D C, Tian, J, Tu, C, Winder, J, Juza, R, Pauli, E, Chukwumah, C, Meehan, L, Bilkhu, A, Anwar, S, Bertoglio, C, Magistro, C, De Martini, P, Lo Conte, D, Di Lernia, S, Ferrari, G, Pugliese, R, Köckerling, F, Bellomo, M P, Bona, A, Borasi, A, Borreca, D, Filippa, C, Manfredi, S, De Paolis, P, Lysenko, R, Zuvela, M and Galun, D (2015) Parastomal Hernia, Risky Zone & Prophilactic Mesh. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 Sup. S25-31. ISSN 1248-9204

Kubota, T, Mizuta, T, Katagiri, H, Shimaguchi, M, Okumura, K, Sakamoto, T, Sakata, T, Kunisaki, S, Matsumoto, R, Nishida, K, Schaprynsky, V, Vorovsky, O, Romanchuk, V, Basta, M, Fischer, J, Wink, J, Kovach, S, Tan, W B, Tang, S W, Clara, E Sta, Hu, J, Wijerathne, S, Cheah, W K, Shabbir, A, Lomanto, D, Siawash, M, de Jager-Kieviet, J W A, Tjon A Ten, W, Roumen, R M, Scheltinga, M R, van Assen, T, Boelens, O B, van Eerten, P V, Perquin, C, DeAsis, F, Salabat, M, Leung, D, Schindler, N, Robicsek, A, Denham, W, Ujiki, M, Bauder, A, Mackay, D, Maggiori, L, Moszkowicz, D, Zappa, M, Mongin, C, Panis, Y, Köhler, G, Hofmann, A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Emmanuel, K, Fortelny, R, Gruber-Blum, S, May, C, Glaser, K, Redl, H, Petter-Puchner, A, Narang, S, Alam, N, Campain, N, McGrath, J, Daniels, I R and Smart, N J (2015) Complex Cases in Abdominal Wall Repair and Prophilactic Mesh. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 19 Sup. S133-7. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, Gernot, Wundsam, Helwig, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2015) Magnetic resonance visible 3-D funnel meshes for laparoscopic parastomal hernia prevention and treatment. European Surgery, 47 (3). pp. 127-132.

Antoniou, Stavros Athanasios, Antoniou, George Athanasios, Koch, Oliver Owen, Köhler, Gernot, Pointner, Rudolph and Granderath, F-A (2015) Laparoscopic versus open obesity surgery: a meta-analysis of pulmonary complications. Digestive surgery, 32 (2). pp. 98-107.


Valentin, T, Luketina, RR, Hoenigl, M, Zollner-Schwetz, I and Krause, R (2014) Survival of Patients with Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia. Clin Infect Dis.

Luketina, RR, Knauer, M, Köhler, G, Koch, OO, Strasser, K, Egger, M and Emmanuel, K (2014) Comparison of standard-CO2 pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflators versus AirSeal in general surgery - a randomized controlled trial. 14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 25. - 28.06.2014, Paris. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Luketina, RR, Knauer, M, Köhler, G, Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2014) National wide survey among Austrian general surgeons on venous thromboembolism prevention patterns. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgiekongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Luketina, RR, Manzenreiter, L, Haug, E, Köhler, G, Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2014) The role of routine esophagogastroduodenoscopy prior to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgiekongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kalcher, Veronika (2014) Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: "Pull-through" - versus "Push" PEG-Comparison of 231 Patients. Deutscher Chirurgenkongress, Berlin. [Poster]

Kalcher, Veronika (2014) Endosonographie / Pankreaszysten. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Verdauungsbeschwerden - Dickdarmkrebs. MINI-MED STUDIUM, Linz, Neues Rathaus. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Rosalia, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Component Separation for Closing Large Abdominal Wall Defects: Evolution of a Method from 1990 to Present Day. Zentralblatt Chrirugie.

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Mayer, F, Lechner, M, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr. and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Relevance of Surgery after Embolization of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Hemorrhage. World J Surg..

Koch, Oliver, Köhler, Gernot, Antoniou, SA and Pointner, R (2014) Diagnosis and Surgical Therapy of Hiatal Hernia. Zentralblatt Chirurgie.

Antoniou, SA, Lasithiotakis, K, Koch, Oliver, Atoniou, GA, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2014) Bibliometric analeysis of scientific contributions in minimally invasive general surgery. Surg. Laparosc. Endosc. Percutan Tech.

Antoniou, SA, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, GA, Lasithiotakis, K, Chalkiadakis, GE, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2014) Meta-analysis of randomized trials on single-incision laparoscopic versus conventional laparoscopic appendectomy. American J. Surg..

Antoniou, SA, Antoniou, GA, Koch, Oliver, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2014) Is laparoscopic ileocecal resection a safe option for Crohn's disease? Best evidence topic. Int. J. Surg..

Koch, Oliver (2014) Reply to: "Comparison of results from a randomized trial 1 year after laparoscopic Nissen and Toupet fundoplications". Surg. Endosc..

Spaun, Georg (2014) From GERD to Obesity, evolution of an endoscopic experience. 4th International Symposium on Non Invasive Bariatric Techniques, Lyon, Frankreich. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2014) Laparoskopie Update 2014. Laparoskopie Update, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2014) Case Report exfoliative Ösophagitis. Endoskopie Vortrag, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Vergleich von 2 Nahtgeräten zur endoluminalen Anti Reflux Therapie. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endoskopie und Bildgebende Verfahren e.V., Hamburg. [Poster]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2014) Should preoperative chest CT recommended to all colon cancer patients. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2014) Der Gallenblasenhydrops. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2014) A randomized trial of antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of surgical site infection after open mesh-plug hernia repair. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2014) Verwendung eines MR-sichtbaren Netzes bei Patienten mit Hiatushernie. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Zaglmair, Wolfgang (2014) Das Ösophaguskarzinom. Vortragsabend Refluxerkrankungen, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Zaglmair, Wolfgang (2014) Colon- und Rektumkarzinom. Tag der offenen Tür Krankenhaus Barmherzige Schwestern, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Födermayr, M, Sebesta, M, Rudas, M, Berghoff, AS, Promberger, R, Preusser, M, Dubsky, P, Fitzal, F, Gnant, M, Steger, GG, Weltermann, A, Zielinski, CC, Zach, O and Bartsch, R (2014) BRCA-1 methylation and TP53 mutation in triple-negative breast cancer patients without pathological complete response to taxane-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol..

Steger, GG, Greil, R, Lang, A, Rudas, M, Fitzal, F, Mlineritsch, B, Hartmann, BL, Bartsch, R, Melbinger, E, Hubalek, M, Stöger, H, Dubsky, P, Ressler, S, Petzer, AL, Singer, CF, Muss, C, Jakesz, R, Gampenrieder, SP, Zielinski, CC, Fesl, C and Gnant, M (2014) Epirubicin and docetaxel with or without capecitabine as neoadjuvant treatment for early breast cancer: final results of a randomized phase III study (ABCSG-24). Ann Oncol..

Gnant, M, Filipits, M, Greil, R, Stöger, H, Rudas, M, Bago-Horvath, Z, Mlineritsch, B, Kwasny, W, Knauer, M, Singer, C, Jakesz, R, Dubsky, P, Fitzal, F, Bartsch, R, Steger, G, Balic, M, Ressler, S, Cowens, JW, Storhoff, J, Ferree, S, Schaper, C, Liu, S, Fesl, C and Nielsen, TO (2014) Predicting distant recurrence in receptor-positive breast cancer patients with limited clinicopathological rist: using the PAM50 Risk of Recurrence score in 1478 postmeopausal patients of the ABCSG-8 trial treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy alone. Ann. Oncol..

Panhofer, P, Ferenc, V, Schütz, M, Gleiss, A, Dubsky, P, Jakesz, R, Gnant, M and Fitzal, Florian (2014) Standardization of morbidity assessment in breast cancer surgery using the Clavien Dindo Classification. Int. J. Surg..

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Spaun, Georg, Luketina, RR, Kalcher, Veronika, Denkmayr, Norbert and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Comparison of 231 patients receiving either "Pull-throug" od " Push" percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Surgical Endoscopy.

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Prevention of subcutaneous seroma formation in open ventral hernia repair by using a new low- thrombin fibrin sealant. EHS Edinburgh, 18. - 31.05.2014. [Poster]

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Prevention of subcutaneous seroma formation in open ventral hernia repair by using a new low- thrombin fibrin sealant. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Klinge, U and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Parastomal hernia repair with a 3-D mesh device and additional flat mesh repair of the abdominal wall. EHS Edinburgh, 28. - 31.05.2014. [Poster]

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Klinge, U and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Parastomal hernia repair with a 3-D mesh device and additional flat mesh repair of the abdominal wall. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Mayer, F, Lechner, M, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr. and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Relevance of surgery after embolization of gastrointestinal and abdominal hemorrhage. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2014) Prevention of subcutaneous seroma formation in open ventral hernia repiar by using a new low- thrombin fibrin sealant. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2014) Parastomal hernia repiar with a 3-D mesh device and additional flat mesh repair of the abdominal wall. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25. - 28.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2014) Die Prävention von Parastomalhernien. Wann, wie und somit? Vortag Salzburger Hernientage, 17. - 18.09.2014, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2014) Die incarcerierte Parastomalhernie. Risiko und Management. Vortrag Salzburger Hernientage, 17. - 18.09.2014, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, Oliver, Spaun, Georg, Antoniou, S.A., Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Rosalia, Kaindlstorfer, A, Emmanuel, Klaus and Pointner, R (2014) Preliminary results of a prospective mulit-center trial on the clinical feasibility of a new full thickness endoscopic plication device for patients with gerd. 14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 27. Juni 2014, Paris, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, OO, Köhler, Gernot, Spaun, Georg, Luketina, Rosalia, Antoniou, S.A. and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Value of HR-Manometry, endoscopy and barium swallow in diagnosing hiatal hernia in patients with symptoms of gerd. 14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 27. Juni 2014, Paris, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Luketina, Rosalia, Knauer, M, Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Strasser, K, Egger, M and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) A randomized controlled trial on comparison of airseal® versus standard-CO2 pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflator in visceral surgery. 14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 27. Juni 2014, Paris, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Comparison of 2 suturing devices for the endolumenal treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. 14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 27. Juni 2014, Paris, France. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot, Emmanuel, Klaus and Schrittwieser, R (2014) Single-port parastomal hernia repair by using 3-D textile implants. JSLS.

Köhler, Gernot and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Laparoscopic stoma relocation for parastomal hernia Treatment by using a magnetic resonance visible three-dimensional implant. J Surg..

Luketina, RR, Koch, OO, Köhler, Gernot, Antoniou, SA, Emmanuel, Klaus and Pointner, R (2014) Obesity does not affect the outcome of laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surg Endosc..

Köhler, G, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Mair, J and Emmanuel, K (2014) Stenting for Emergency Colorectal Obstruction: An Analysis of 204 Patients in Relation to Predictors of Failure and Complications. Scand J Surg..

Köhler, G, Koch, OO, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Klinge, U and Emmanuel, K (2014) Parastomal hernia repair with a 3-D mesh device and additional flat mesh repair of the abdominal wall. Hernia.

Köhler, G, Koch, OO, Antoniou, SA, Emmanuel, K and Pointner, R (2014) "Acute intrathoracic stomach!" How should we deal with complicated type IV paraesophageal hernias? Hernia.

Köhler, G, Koch, OO, Antoniou, SA, Lechner, M, Mayer, F and Emmanuel, K (2014) Prevention of subcutaneous seroma Formation in open ventral hernia repair using a new low-thrombin Fibrin sealant. World J Surg..

Tschoner, A, Han, MS, Lada, MJ, Peyre, CG, Jones, CE, Watson, TJ and Peters, JH (2014) 24-h multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH Monitoring may be an inadequate test for detecting gastroesophageal Reflux in patients with mixed typical and atypical symptoms. Surg. Endosc..

Köhler, G, Luketina, RR and Emmanuel, K (2014) Sutured repair of Primary small umbilical and epigastric hernias: Concomitant rectus diastasis is a significant risk factor. World J Surg..

Aspalter, M, Lechner, M, Linni, K, Hitzl, W, Hölzenbein, T, Öfner, D and Emmanuel, K (2014) Morbidity after Insertion of totally implantable venous access ports in oncological patients: results of a retrospective clinical study. Am. Surg..

Luketina, RR and Emmanuel, K (2014) Neoadjuvante Therapie beim operablen Ösophaguskarzinom. Springer Verlag.

Köhler, G, Spaun, Georg, Luketina, RR, Antoniou, SA, Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2014) Early protective ileostomy closure following stoma Formation with a dual-sided absorbable adhesive barrier. European Surg..

Köhler, G, Mayer, F, Lechner, M and Bittner, R (2014) Small bowel obstruction after TAPP repair caused by a self-anchoring barbed suture device for peritoneal closure: case Report and Review of the literature. Hernia.

Antoniou, SA, Koch, OO, Antoniou, GA, Köhler, G, Chalkiadakis, GE, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2014) Routine versus no drain Placement after elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: meta-Analysis of randomized controlled trials. Minerva Chir..

Mayer, F, Lechner, M, Köhler, G, Fortelny, R, Köckling, F and Öfner, D (2014) Minimal-invasive Leistenhernienversorgung des alten Patienten - gibt es argumentierbare Limitationen? 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Lechner, N.M., Mayer, F, Jäger, T, Köhler, G and Öfner, D (2014) Eine neue, einfache und sichere Technik der Implantation selbsthaftender Netze in der offenen Leistenhernienchirurgie. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, OO, Köhler, G, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo, PD OA Dr., Luketina, RR, Manzenreiter, L, Spaun, Georg and Emmanuel, K (2014) Aussagekraft der HR-Manometrie, der Endoskopie und des Barium-Schluckaktröntgens in der Diagnose einer Hiatushernie bei Patienten mit Refluxsymptomen. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, L, Schredl, P, Köhler, G, Luketina, RR, Koch, OO, Fortelny, R and Emmanuel, K (2014) Leistenhernienchirurgie in Österreich: Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Luketina, RR, Manzenreiter, L, Haug, E, Spaun, Georg, Koch, OO, Köhler, G and Emmanuel, K (2014) The role of toutine esophagogastroduodenoscopy Prior to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kalcher, Veronika, Köhler, G, Koch, OO, Spaun, Georg and Emmanuel, K (2014) Comparison of 231 patients receiving either "Pull-through" or "Push" percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Pressl, G, Emmanuel, K and Zaglmair, Wolfgang (2014) Die Gluteusfaszienplastik - Eine deutliche Verbesserung in der Therapie bei fistulierendem Sinus pilonidalis. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Pressl, G, Emmanuel, K and Zaglmair, Wolfgang (2014) Multiviscerale Resektion in der Colorectalchirurgie im Wandel, Entwicklung der letzten Jahre anhand der eigenen Patientendaten. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kalcher, Veronika, Köhler, G, Koch, OO, Spaun, Georg and Emmanuel, K (2014) Analyse des Outcomes der offenen Choledochusrevision mit routinemäßiger Anlage einer T-Rohr-Drainage. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Schredl, P, Koch, OO, Köhler, G and Emmanuel, K (2014) Drei Malignome und ein Perineuriom der Weichteile bei einer Patientin mit Fanconi Anämie, ein Fallbericht. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Poster]

Schwaiger, C, Achleitner, C and Koch, OO (2014) Casereport of a Patient with 5 different Tumors in genetic verified Lynchsyndrom. 55. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 25.-27.06.2014, Graz. [Poster]

Lada, MJ, Watson, TJ, Shakoor, A, Nieman, DR, Han, M, Tschoner, A, Peyre, CG, Jones, CE and Peters, JH (2014) Eliminating a need for esophagectomy: endoscopic Treatment of Barrett esophagus with early esophageal neoplasia. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.

Luketina, RR, Knauer, M, Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver, Strasser, K, Egger, M and Emmanuel, K (2014) Comparison of a standard CO2 pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflator versus AirSeal study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials.

Spaun, Georg, Koch, Oliver and Emmanuel, K (2014) Vergleich von 2 Nahtgeräten zur endoskopischen Therapie der gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung. Endoskopie heute.

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver Owen, Antoniou, Stavros A, Mayer, Franz, Lechner, Michael, Pallwein-Prettner, Leo and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Relevance of surgery after embolization of gastrointestinal and abdominal hemorrhage. World journal of surgery, 38 (9). pp. 2258-66. ISSN 1432-2323

Köhler, G (2014) [Median incisional hernias and coexisting parastomal hernias : new surgical strategies and an algorithm for simultaneous repair]. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 85 (8). pp. 697-704. ISSN 1433-0385

Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver Owen, Antoniou, Stavros A, Lechner, Michael, Mayer, Franz and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Prevention of subcutaneous seroma formation in open ventral hernia repair using a new low-thrombin fibrin sealant. World journal of surgery, 38 (11). pp. 2797-803. ISSN 1432-2323

Köhler, G, Koch, O O, Antoniou, S A, Lechner, M, Mayer, F, Klinge, U and Emmanuel, K (2014) Parastomal hernia repair with a 3-D mesh device and additional flat mesh repair of the abdominal wall. Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery, 18 (5). pp. 653-61. ISSN 1248-9204

Köhler, Gernot, Emmanuel, Klaus and Schrittwieser, Rudolf (2014) Single-port parastomal hernia repair by using 3-D textile implants. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 18 (3). ISSN 1938-3797

Köhler, Gernot and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Laparoscopic stoma relocation for parastomal hernia treatment by using a magnetic resonance visible three-dimensional implant. ANZ journal of surgery. ISSN 1445-2197

Koch, O O, Köhler, G, Antoniou, S A and Pointner, R (2014) [Diagnosis and surgical therapy of hiatal hernia]. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, 139 (4). pp. 393-8. ISSN 1438-9592

Luketina, Ruzica Rosalia, Knauer, Michael, Köhler, Gernot, Koch, Oliver Owen, Strasser, Klaus, Egger, Margot and Emmanuel, Klaus (2014) Comparison of a standard CO₂ pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflator versus AirSeal: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 15. p. 239. ISSN 1745-6215

Antoniou, S, Koch, O, Antoniou, G, Köhler, G, Chalkiadakis, G, Pointner, R and Granderath, F (2014) Routine versus no drain placement after elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Minerva chirurgica, 69 (3). pp. 185-94. ISSN 0026-4733

Köhler, G, Spaun, Georg, Luketina, R-R, Antoniou, SA, Koch, OO and Emmanuel, K (2014) Early protective ileostomy closure following stoma formation with a dual-sided absorbable adhesive barrier. European Surgery, 46 (5). pp. 197-202.


Koch, OO, Kaindlstorfer, A, Antoniou, SA, Luketina, RR, Emmanuel, K and Pointner, R (2013) Comparison of results from a randomized trial 1 year after laparoscopic Nissen and Toupet fundoplications. Surg Endosc..

Lukentina, RR, Valentin, T, Hoenigl, M, Zollner-Schwetz, I, Emmanuel, K and Krause, R (2013) Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia - a challenge in surgery - Infectious disease consultation improves patients outcome and survival. 54. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, 30.05. - 01.06.2013, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Luketina, RR, Valentin, T, Hoenigl, M, Zollner-Schwetz, I, Emmanuel, K and Krause, R (2013) Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia - Impact of Infectious desease consultation patients outcome after surgery. 26th European Congress on Surgical Infection, 09. - 11.05.2013, Prag. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Luketina, RR, Valentin, T, Hoenigl, M, Zollner-Schwetz, I, Emmanuel, K and Krause, R (2013) Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia - Impact of Infectious disease consultation patients outcome after surgery. 131. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, 25. - 28. März 2014, Berlin. [Poster]

Kalcher, Veronika (2013) Wertigkeit der T-Drainagen bei konventioneller Gallengangsrevision: Eine retrospektive Single Center Analyse. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Kalcher, Veronika (2013) Retrospektive Analyse von über 1500 Port-a-Cath Implantationen. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wien. [Poster]

Kalcher, Veronika (2013) Multilokuläre Metastasenresektion bei einem adenoid-zystischem Speicheldrüsenkarzinom - Ein Fallbericht über einen 28-jährigen Patienten. ACO-ASSO. [Poster]

Koch, Oliver, Köhler, Gernot, Luketina, Rosalia, Manzenreiter, Lisa, Kalcher, Veronika, Emmanuel, Klaus and Pointner, R (2013) Podiumspräsentation: Ist die Notfall-Operation bei akutem intrathorakalen Magen notwendig und sinnvoll? Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, Oliver (2013) Podiumspräsentation: Obesity does not affect the outcome of laparoscopic Antireflux surgery. 21st EAES Congress Vienna, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, Oliver (2013) Laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair using a U-shaped bioabsorbable mesh with fibrin glue fixation for crural closure reinforcement. 21st EAES Congress Vienna, Wien. [Poster]

Koch, Oliver (2013) Podiumspräsentation: Komplikationsmanagement. Salzburger Hernientage, Salzburg. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Koch, Oliver, Spaun, Georg, Antoniou, SA, Rabl, C, Köhler, Gernot, Emmanuel, Klaus, Öfner, D and Pointner, R (2013) Endoscopic grading of the gastroesophageal flap valve is correlated with reflux activity and can predict the size of the esophageal hiatus in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Surg. Endosc..

Antoniou, SA, Antoniou, GA, Bartsch, DK, Fendrich, V, Koch, Oliver, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2013) Transabdominal preperitoneal versus totally extraperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia: a meta-analysis of randomized studies. American Jour. Surg..

Antoniou, SA, Antoniou, GA, Bartsch, DK, Fendrich, V, Koch, Oliver, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2013) Transabdominal preperitoneal versus totally extraperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia: a metaanalysis of randomized studies. American Jour. Surg..

Antoniou, SA, Antoniou, GA, Koch, Oliver, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2013) Meta-analysis of laparoscopic versus open repair of perforated peptic ulcer. Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons.

Kaindlstorfer, A, Koch, Oliver, Antoniou, SA, Asche, KU, Granderath, FA and Pointner, R (2013) A randomized trial on endoscopic full-thickness gastroplication versus laparoscopic antireflux surgery in GERD patients without hiatal hernias. Surg. Laparosc. Endosc. Percutan Tech..

Antoniou, SA, Antoniou, GA, Koch, Oliver, Pointner, R and Granderath, FA (2013) Blunt versus bladed trocars in laparoscopic surgery: a systematic review and mata-analysis aof randomized trials. Surg. Endosc..

Koch, Oliver, Kaindlstofer, A, Antoniou, SA, Luketina, Rosalia, Emmanuel, Klaus and Pointner, R (2013) Comparison of results form a randomized trial 1 year after laparoscopic Nissen and Toupet fundoplications. Surg. Endosc..

Koch, Oliver, Schurich, M, Antoniou, SA, Spaun, Georg, Kaindlstorfer, A, Pointner, R and Swanstrom, LL (2013) Predictability of hiatal hernia/defect size: is there a correlation between pre-and intraoperative findings? Hernia.

Spaun, Georg (2013) Interdisziplinäres Management Gallenwege. Endo Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2013) Laparoskopie Update 2013. Endo Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2013) Neue bzw. endoskopische Therapieoptionen bie Reflux und Dysphagie. Reflux und Dysphagie, Linz, Festsaal. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Spaun, Georg (2013) Medikamentöse, endoluminale und operative Anti Reflux Therapie. Endoskopie-Stammtisch, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2013) Notfalleingriffe bei Perforation und Blutung beim Ösophaguskarzinom. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2013) Early enteral Nutrition after pancreatoduodenectomy: a meta-Analysis of randomized controled trails. Fortbildung Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Manzenreiter, Lisa (2013) Single Center Analyse: Protektives Transversostoma - Erfahrung und outcome. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Pfeiffer, G, Königsberger, R, Hadji, P, Fitzal, Florian, Maroske, M, Dressel-Ban, G, Zellinger, J, Exner, R, Seifert, M, Singer, C, Gnant, M and Dubsky, P (2013) Impact of body mass index on estradiol depletion by aromatase inhibitors in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer.

Gnant, M, Pfeifer, G, Stöger, H, Mlineritsch, B, Fitzal, F, Balic, M, Kwasny, W, Seifert, M, Stierer, M, Dubsky, P, Steger, G, Samonigg, H, Fesl, C and Jakesz, R (2013) The predictive impact of body mass index on the efficacy of extended adjuvant endocrine treatment with anastrozole in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer: an analysis of the randomised ABCSG-6a trial. British Journal of Cancer.

Hoffmann, J, Souchon, R, Lebeau, A, Öhlschlegel, C, Gruber, G, Rageth, C, Weber, W, Harbeck, N, Janni, W, Kreipe, H, Fitzal, F, Resch, A, Bago-Horvath, Z and Peitinger, F (2013) German, Austrian und Swiss consensus conference on the diagnosis and local treatment of the axilla in breast cancer. Eur. J. of Cancer.

Pfeifer, G, Stöger, H, Dubsky, P, Mlineritsch, B, Singer, G, Balic, M, Fitzal, F, Moik, K, Kwasny, W, Selim, U, Renner, K, Ploner, F, Steger, GG, Seifert, M, Hofbauer, F, Sandbichler, P, Sammonigg, H, Jakesz, R, Greil, R, Fesl, C and Gnant, M (2013) Efficacy of tamoxifen +/- aminoglutethimide in normal weight ad overweight postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: an analysis of 1509 patients of the ABCSG-06 trial. European Journal of Cancer.

Köhler, Gernot (2013) Entwicklung der Komponentenseparation von 1990 bis heute. Viszeralchirurgische Woche Wagrein + Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wagrein + Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2013) Prävention von Parastomalhernien mit intraperitonealem 3D-Netz. Viszeralchirurgische Woche Wagrein + Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wagrein + Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2013) Giant abdominal neoplasmas - report about 12 cases. Österreichischer Chirurgenkongress, Wien. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Köhler, Gernot (2013) Prevention of parastomal hernia with intraperitoneal 3d mesh. EAES Congress, Vienna. [Poster]

Wundsam, Helwig, Luketina, Rosalia, Zaglmair, Wolfgang and Emmanuel, K (2013) Laparoscopic liver resection for primary and metastatic cancer - instituional report and preleminary results. ACO-ASSO Symposium, St. Wolfgang. [Poster]

Wundsam, Helwig (2013) Leberchirurgie Pankreas- und Milzchirurgie. Sonderausbildung OP Pflegeberufe BHS, Linz. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Wagner, A, Kiesslich, T, Neureiter, D, Friesenbichler, P, Puespoek, A, Denzer, UW, Wolkersdörfer, GW, Emmanuel, K, Lohse, AW and Berr, F (2013) Photodynamic therapy for hilar bile duct cancer: clinical evidence for improved tumoricidal tissue Penetration by temoporfin. Phtotechm. Photobiol. Sci..

Assfalg, Volker, Reim, Daniel, Matevossian, Edouard, Holzmann, Bernhard, Emmanuel, K, Novotny, Alexander and Hüser, Norbert (2013) APACHE II and Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) fail to predict lethality in septic Peritonitis in immunosuppressed solid organ transplant recipients. European Surgery.

Koch, Oliver Owen, Spaun, Georg, Antoniou, Stavros A, Rabl, Charlotte, Köhler, Gernot, Emmanuel, Klaus, Öfner, Dietmar and Pointner, Rudolph (2013) Endoscopic grading of the gastroesophageal flap valve is correlated with reflux activity and can predict the size of the esophageal hiatus in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Surgical endoscopy, 27 (12). pp. 4590-5. ISSN 1432-2218


Lukentina, H, Fotopolou, C, Lukentina, RR, Pilger, A and Sehouli, J (2012) Treatment Decision-making Process in the Systemic Treatment of Ovarian Cancer: Review of the Scientific Evidence. Anticancer Res..

Luketina, RR, Valentin, T, Hoenigl, M, Zollner-Schwetz, I and Krause, R (2012) Curriculum Vitae Impact of Routine Infectious disease Consultation on mortality in Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia. 6. Österreichischer Infektionskongress, 18. - 21.04.2012, Saalfelden. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

Langsteger, W, Haim, S, Knauer, M, Waldenberger, Peter, Prim. PD Dr. EBIR, Emmanuel, K, Loidl, W, Wolf, I and Beheshti, M (2012) Imaging of bone metastases in prostate cancer: an update. The quarterly Journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

Wolkersdörfer, GW, Berr, F, Nawara, C and Emmanuel, K (2012) Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Current State of Palliation Therapy. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie.

Wintersteller, Sandra, Hahnhaussen, Jens, Kofler, Barbara and Emmanuel, K (2012) Molecular mediators of polymicrobial sepsis. Frontiers in bioscience.


Novotny, Alexander, Reim, Daniel, Assfalg, Volker, Altmayr, Felicitas, Friess, Helmut, Emmanuel, K and Holzmann, Bernhard (2011) Mixed Antagonist response and sepsis severity-dependent dysbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory Responses at the onset of postoperative sepsis. Immunobiology.

Häusler, I, Augschöll, C, Rabl, C, Öfner, D and Emmanuel, K (2011) Life-threating gastric dilatation with anorexia nervosa. European Surgery.

Nawara, C, Wolkersdörfer, GW, Öfner, D and Emmanuel, K (2011) Recent developments in the diagnosis and Treatment of bile duct cysts: a review. European Surgery.

Emmanuel, K, Öfner, D and Augschöll, C (2011) Laparoscopic liver resection - a substantial Progress towards multimodal Treatment of metastases. Magazine of European Medical Oncology.

Rabl, C, Hutter, J, Reich-Weinberger, S, Emmanuel, K and Öfner, D (2011) Loop retraction of the gallbladder in single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy. European Surgery.

Franz, B, Rabl, C, Neureiter, D, Öfner, D and Emmanuel, K (2011) Emergency Surgery with Oncological Principles for Intussusception in Adults. European Surgery.


Franz, B, Rabl, C, Neureiter, D, Öfner, D and Emmanuel, K (2010) Emergency surgery for enteric and colonic intussusception in adults. European Surgery.

Wolkersdörfer, GW, Emmanuel, K, Denzer, UW, Puespoek, A, Neureiter, D, Kiesslich, T, Lohse, AW and Berr, F (2010) Efficacy of temoporfin photodynamic therapy (PDT) for bile duct cancer. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie.

Augschoell, C, Rabl, C, Walclawiczek, H, Neureiter, D and Emmanuel, K (2010) Laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool in patients with occult gastrointestinal bleeding - Report of a case. European Surgery.


Assfalg, Volker, Hüser, Norbert, Reim, Daniel, Kaiser-Moore, Simone, Rossmann-Bloeck, Tanja, Weighardt, Heike, Novotny, Alexander, Stangl, Manfred, Holzmann, Bernhard and Emmanuel, K (2009) Combined immunosuppressive and antibiotic therapy improves bacterial clearance and survival of polymicrobial septic peritonitis. Shock.


Gruber, Gerald, Bernhardt, Gerwin A, Köhler, Gernot and Gruber, Karl (2006) Surgical treatment of distal radius fractures with an angle fixed bar palmar plating system: a single center study of 102 patients over a 2-year period. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 126 (10). pp. 680-5. ISSN 0936-8051

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