Die myoelektrische prothetische Versorgung von Kindern mit unilateraler Peromelie des Unterarmes - Ein Scoping Review

Taurok, Doris, Stoffer, Michaela, Girsch, Werner und Stamm, Tanja (2014) Die myoelektrische prothetische Versorgung von Kindern mit unilateraler Peromelie des Unterarmes - Ein Scoping Review. 55. Symposium der DAH, 8. bis 10. 5. 2014, Bad Ischl. [Vortrag, Vorlesung]

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Study Design: Scoping Review Background: The development of training and fitting programs fo r children with unilateral congenital transverse below-elbow deficiency (UCBED ) is difficult and complex. Expert opinions on prosthetic management of children with UCBED var y considerably. International guidelines are missing and high quality research is low in num ber. Objectives: Purpose of this scoping review was to extract infor mation from existing literature given on common principles and the effectiveness of myoelectric prosthetic fitting and training in children with UCBED. Methods: This scoping review was performed following the fra mework published by Arksey and O ́Malley (2005). Data collection was performed by m eans of a computerized search in databases (CINAHL, Pubmed, Medline, OT Seeker, Pedr o and The Chochrane Library), a reference list search and by contacting experts via e-mail. Results: Effectiveness of therapeutic procedures is rarely i nvestigated. Fitting procedures were described in 35 studies. Scientific evidence for pr osthetic fitting under the age of 2 is low. Parents influence is strongly reported. Occupationa l therapists are reported to play an important and multifaceted role in myoelectric prosthetic fit ting. Conclusions: It can be concluded, that prosthetic fitting for a child with UCBED has to be an individual decision and must be conducted as a clie nt centered procedure.
Typ des Eintrags: Vortrag, Vorlesung
Bereiche: Orthopädisches Spital Speising > Physikalische Medizin und Orthopädische Rehabilitation
Benutzer: Gerda Reichel-Vacariu
Hinterlegungsdatum: 11 Mai 2015 15:04
Letzte Änderung: 17 Feb 2025 09:31

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